A vehicle more than 10 years old probably uses the high voltage plug wires.
Recent gasoline powered vehicles use coil-over-plug.
If your spark plugs have more than 25,000 miles on them. replace them.
As spark plugs age, their gap widens, which means more voltage required to make spark.
More voltage means more radio interference.
If you have the older vehicle with high voltage spark plug wires (not COP), then replace the spark plug wires.
Those high voltage cables are a "wear item" just like spark plugs.
Coil-over-plug does the voltage step-up right over the spark plug. The wires feeding the COP units are low voltage"vbat" at 13.8 volts, pulsed with about 6 amps of current. Often vehicles are missing a capacitor on the ignition wiring harness which would eliminate the radio interference problems
Even with COP, the spark plugs still wear the same.