Number 5 is alive...need more

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Number 5 is alive...need more


Post by TwentyTwo-Zero »

Okay, I'm still in search of a multiband radio. Does anyone have any input about the Icom 7000? I've read the online reviews, but would like to get some additional feedback from anyone that has had hands on experience with the radio, or might be able to bring to light any issues with it. I've read about the poor audio quality on the first production models, but from what I gather this was resolved in the later production runs. Anything else known good or bad about these radios? Any/All info will be greatly appreciated...thanks!
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Re: Number 5 is alive...need more


Post by 231 »

I have one and love it! The filtering is second to none. And frankly, between the manual & auto notch filters and DSP, I can usually tighten up the receive enough to get rid of most noise. The AM audio issue isn't just on AM...but SSB as well. And it's a mic problem, not a transceiver problem. Switch mics or do the upgrade to the mic and it does pretty well. However, it's still not like a CB on 11m for AM. I run the SM-8 Icom mic on mine instead of Heil and/or the stock mic. By far it has more audio punch for my voice (on all the bands) then either of the others.

Another known problem is running amps. Typically you'll want to run an interface protection box like the Ameritron ARB-704. I run the ARB-704 and it's still been an issue off/on. The problem occurs when sometimes the radio keys up before the amp relay causing a pegged standing wave for a fraction of a second. Eventually it'll take out the finals in the transceiver (like it did mine) but if you are not running an amp, it's not going to be a problem. The only guys I've heard having that problem were all running amps (like me). Factory warrantied it...which they use the IC-706 finals in it BTW. I have heard the IC-706's, IC-746Pro, and IC-756ProIII all have this same issue by the way. So it's not just limited to the 7000. For most it's not an issue.

That being said, I wouldn't trade my IC-7k for anything. I rarely use it on AM, but when I do combined with the SM-8 mic it does just fine. Not like my old 148's with a D104, but still okay. So I'm a big believer that the mic itself can make/break the audio of an HF rig. I use mine on the base most of the time and once in awhile when I travel I'll throw it in the truck. Most prefer the IC-706mkIIG over the 7k, but not me. The 7k has more filtering in it. And when the band is in the toilet, I'm usually able to pull some signals out of the mud better than alot of the other rigs I've heard.

Hope that helps some.
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Post by TwentyTwo-Zero »

Hey, thanks for the input 231. :) I don't have any intention of using an amp with it, but if I get the itch I'll check into the ARB-704. Not sure if I'm going to get this model yet or not, but from what I've read and the features it has it looks like a pretty good investment for future expansion without having to have several more radios...don't know where I'd put them Thanks again for your insight. Anyone else what to belly up to the bar and voice an opinion? :lol:
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Re: Number 5 is alive...need more


Post by dud muck »

TwentyTwo-Zero wrote:Okay, I'm still in search of a multiband radio. Does anyone have any input about the Icom 7000? I've read the online reviews, but would like to get some additional feedback from anyone that has had hands on experience with the radio, or might be able to bring to light any issues with it. I've read about the poor audio quality on the first production models, but from what I gather this was resolved in the later production runs. Anything else known good or bad about these radios? Any/All info will be greatly appreciated...thanks!
The IC-7000 has superb IF filtering and real DSP, but that fancy stuff is a bit too much when driving down the interstate.
The yaesu ft-857d will do the same for $500 less money, but doesnt have the fancy IF dsp-filtering.

the IC-7000 is great choice if you spend alot of time stationary mobile, like a camper or something.

The other icom-706 is about the same as the ft-857d, but is $200 more.

If you do get the IC-7000, you'll need to look into the AB5N microphone fix.
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Post by TwentyTwo-Zero »

Thanks for the input, dud muck! Yeah, if I do get one I plan on using it as a base. Since the audio problem appears to be with the mic and not the transceiver I'll get a cable for my PMC-200 and give that a try or just pick up a new desk mic for it... :wink:
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