SWR Meter and Jumper

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Mr. 9k9

SWR Meter and Jumper


Post by Mr. 9k9 »

Hey guys I got an SWR meter the other week and I bought a 9 foot jumper to use with it (that was the smallest I could find around here) I hooked it all up, went through the calibration part, and when I click it over from cal to swr and key down again the needle doesn't even move..... I was expecting my SWR to be very low because it barely registers on my cobra 200gtl's meter. I'm just wondering if my SWR is really that good, or if there's a problem with the meter.
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Post by 231 »

It's probably fine. I doubt using a 9' jumper would affect things much. Between the radio and meter confirmation, sounds to me like you are good to go.

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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

As long as the jumpers 50 ohms, length doesnt matter.
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