SWR Meter

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SWR Meter


Post by Glorfendill »

Ok I suppose it's kinda late to be asking, as the deal is said and done. But What do you guys think about this Radio Shack SWR meter? I'm sure there's better out there but I figured I'm getting a decent price on one off Ebay (assuming the thing shows up as it was stated... Almost new and Only used once) I'm paying $16 shipping included for a [Please login or register to view this link].
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Working Cowboy


Post by Working Cowboy »

I got one that works great from RA for just a couple bucks more. I can only say that anything from Radio Shack is hit or miss.
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Post by Glorfendill »

AWESOME!! Good to hear I didn't just buy a piece of junk... well once again assuming it's in the condition he stated.
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Post by BobOstro61 »

That's the same meter I have too.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

I need to find a new one. Any sugestions ?
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

If you go to the Radio Shack web page, and go to that meter, check out my post there on the meter...I compared it to about 5 or 6 other meters, and UNLIKE some of the other brands. Every Radio Shack meter, will read exactly the same....

I have 3 Dosy meters, which all 3 will give you a different reading...and these were all new, when I bought them... I have about 4 of the radio shack meters, and there is no difference between them at all...have one in each car or truck I have a radio in...
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Post by Phaze91460 »

went to the web page Glorf posted and saw the Model: 21-534
Catalog #: 21-534 meter, is that the one you were talkin about JesseJames ?

I have a paradynamics that I am not real happy with right now. Why are Dosy meters so bad yet so popular ?
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

Phaze91460 wrote:went to the web page Glorf posted and saw the Model: 21-534
Catalog #: 21-534 meter, is that the one you were talkin about JesseJames ?

I have a paradynamics that I am not real happy with right now. Why are Dosy meters so bad yet so popular ?
Yes...Under "Customer Reviews".

Dosy's are popular, because people think their accurate. And to a point, their not bad. Just seems like no 2 read alike! Bird meters will all read the same, but they read differently from most other meters. And wont read swr the same way. You have to read forwards and backward watts, to figure out the swr on a bird....

The Radio Shack meter, is about as cheep as they come, yet very easy to use, small enough to use in a mobile install, and accurate...

Only real draw-back to the Radio Shack meter, is since the meter itself is small, it can be hard to read. But you get use to it...
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Post by Phaze91460 »

As my eyes are not what they used to be ( neither is the rest of me for that mater ) I do like big meters !
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Post by Mississippifrog »

Phaze91460 wrote:
I have a paradynamics that I am not real happy with right now. Why are Dosy meters so bad yet so popular ?
I have an old para dynamics meter that i use.I also have access to a fairly new Dosy and the para always shows small numbers when checking watts.I have not had the chance to use one of the Radio Shack meters yet.What i have noticed though,everybody i know with the big meters says"don't get that POS radio shack meter and everybody with the RS meter says it works just fine.Personally i think the RS meter is fine its just a little small for a base but great for a mobile.
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

YEP! I agree...Think where Radio Shack got so much bad-rep, is from the older meters they sold...Those were junk! The new ones they have now, are made by Micronta, which has been around for years.

Only draw back, is like you said...meter is small. Which makes them good for use in a mobile set-up, but you may want something larger to use in a base-set-up...
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Post by BobOstro61 »

I don't know. I use my little radio shack meter on my base and I can see it just fine. It doesn't take up a lot of room either. After all, once you set the SWR, it shouldn't change very often. It only takes a few seconds to calibrate and check the reading. After that, I don't even look at it.

Has anybody compared the power reading on the Radio Shack meter to a Dosy or Bird? Does it even come close?
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Little Reb


Post by Little Reb »

im sure there not as accurate as a bird But id say it would be close to a dosy seeing no two dosy act alike.
Last edited by Little Reb on April 2nd, 2006, 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by BobOstro61 »

I was just wondering if the RadioShack meter is close to a "real" meter just to get an approximate reading. If its WAY off then I wouldn't even put the switch on the power setting.
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

I have the same meter and it reads well with swr.
I don't know for sure but I think the watts reading is a little off.
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

Has anybody compared the power reading on the Radio Shack meter to a Dosy or Bird? Does it even come close?
I did for Radio Shack. Although I didnt have a bird to compare with, I compared with the Dosy's, and Astatic. Had a local friend compare to the bird.

And useing the RMS setting on the Radio Shack meter, against the Bird, They were almost exactly the same...Dosy was a close second on RMS, or what ever they call it. (not pep, or peek reading) Astatic was about the same as the Dosy. One Dosy read HIGH, and another was reading lower...Not by alot, but enough to say it's hard to get two, to read just alike! But they are pretty! :mrgreen:

Before Radio Shack will post your commits, they do a little homework of their own, to make sure your findings are correct... :wink:
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Just Arrived


Post by Glorfendill »

Well I just got my SWR meter in today, So far it Looks to be in good condition, not even a scratch on the thing anywhere. Only issue is I don't currently have a jumper coax to start testing with and I have a question about that. I keep running into this whole multiple of 3' everywhere when it comes to coax. Is there some reason why coax needs to be run in Sections of 3' feet or would I be ok just getting a 1-2' coax just to be able to run it from the radio to the meter to check SWR. Also I'm considering setting the meter up so I can have a power meter handy and was wondering if doing that would only give me my transmitting power or if it would display receive power too? I'll likely keep it and use a high quality jumper if it does display receiving signal strength, but just go with a less expensive cable jumper and only do occasional checks if only displays transmit power.