Need Base SSB and Mobile SSB Help.

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Need Base SSB and Mobile SSB Help.


Post by ASAP PEST »

I'm thinking of getting Magnum 257 [Please login or register to view this link] for my 98 Tacoma truck with a Fatboy Amp ( don't know whats the max I can choose with 70amp alternator & perhaps adding an extra battery as a buffer ).
For my home base I was thinking of Magnum s980 [Please login or register to view this link] or Ranger RCI69 [Please login or register to view this link]

I just need to get 30 - 40 miles out or at least 25 miles constant on SSB. What do I need to get these results. Also I have the 102" whip anttena on my truck which works great. Could I use the same anttenna as a home base ( if so how can I install it ) or would a Antron or Imax be better. Thanks for all the advice :icon_e_smile:
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Re: Need Base SSB and Mobile SSB Help.


Post by 'Doc »

Some random thoughts.

Can you use a 'base' antenna on a mobile? Sure. All you have to do is figure out how to mount it, and keep from knocking it off going under things. What's possible sometimes isn't too practical.

I would think that your alternator would handle any of the radios you posted, IF, you aren't running everything else on the truck. An extra battery wouldn't be a bad idea, just remember that you have to keep it charged, and in good shape too.

While it's certainly possible for 25 - 40 mile contacts, I wouldn't count on it being reliable at all, it certainly won't be, and forget consistently. There are a great many variables that determine range. They run from the type/size of antenna, surroundings, propagation, and who knows what else. There are times when you can talk half way around the world. And likewise, there are times when you won't be able to get across the street. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. Sorry 'bout that.
- 'Doc
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Re: Need Base SSB and Mobile SSB Help.


Post by 385 »

ASAP Pest, I have a Magnum S-980 and have mixed emotions about this radio. One day I love it and 30 minutes later I hate it. Has a unlocked clarifier. The top gun feature isnt all its cracked up to be. But it is a screamer on am and have got nothing but flowers on ssb. I didn't buy it from one of the sponcers on this board and they fooled around with shipping and when it finally arrived I didn't have enough time to send my warrenty card to magnum so I have NO warrenty. I personaly would not buy another Magnum product, but thats me.

I have a friend that live about 35 miles east of me and base to base we have no trouble talking on ssb unless the skip is really strong. I sure you know your not going to get the same results base to mobil but, youll do pretty well with an amp in the mobil........385
385, Tracy
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