So Where is everyone from ?

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Re: where is everyone from


Post by Guest »

dalonzi wrote:Boston mass. Mr. radioactive has my Galaxy 2527DX so I'm off the air right now but i am usually found on Channel 2
Well from what I hear you will have one awesome radio when you get it back.....
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where is everyone from


Post by dalonzi »

I cant wait to get it back. I have four other bases that I can use but I really love that radio with the orange display. I plan on buying a mobile from him also but I have not decided which one yet.
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Post by Guest »

I really wanted a 2527 ....but I settled for a 2547, I would rather get the oe I could afford , than have to use the mobile as a base
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Working Cowboy


Post by Working Cowboy »

I have a place in VA and one in MO and you can catch me on 19 slappin mudduck truckers off the map. I am a pirate a cowboy by trade and a CB freak.
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Post by Guest »

I'm from good ole Rhinelander Wisconsin the Hodag City. As Mr. Gote said its in the middle of nowhere really. I only sit on channel 30 as I don't have the capabilities to go beyond 40.

Considering I'm running a virgin Uniden PC68xl I don't slap anyone around. LOL
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Post by SmallTruckBigRadio »

I'm originally from South Louisiana (French Acadian, Cajun), and I moved to Southern Indiana, just North of Louisville Kentucky in 2001. I am happy up here but I miss offshore fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, and Hoosiers lack a sense of humor unless someone is getting hurt. I laugh so much, and am so friendly, the union guys thought I was a company spy when I first got here.
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Post by junkyarddog »

James from Oneida, KY. Y'all can call me Junk Yard Dog, I keep my mine (when I get it) on CH 18, 19, and 10. 18 is my basement, usually where i find all my buddy's.
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Post by Daddyroccop »

I was Born and raised in the Bronx, NY...Moved to Fishkill, NY about 5 years ago(that's 65 miles north of NYC) so my Kids could have a better life than I did...and well I couldn't afford a house any closer to the city....Schools are better and the air is cleaner :-D . I go by Rocco on the radio(19 in the big truck) because it's my name and there aren't that many of us I-TALIANS on the radio :wink: FUGHETTABOUTIT!!!
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Post by SmallTruckBigRadio »

Daddyroccop wrote:I go by Rocco on the radio(19 in the big truck) because it's my name and there aren't that many of us I-TALIANS on the radio :wink: FUGHETTABOUTIT!!!
Let's see, we have:
Bomb technicians, military ordinance technicians, snake-handlers, bartenders, real-cowboys, truck drivers, auto mechanics, carpenters, big-radio-builders, carpenters, business owners, ex-hams, current hams, electricians, power plant technicians, purchasing agents, coal miners, sound technicians, medical guys, and now we have the MAFIA!

Let's hope the guys at the beginning of this list, don't join up with the guy at the end of this list! :shocked:
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Post by racefan6 »

hey junk yard dog my uncles handle is the same as yours and his name is james also. ha. when i first saw your handle it made me think about him now i see yall have the same name.
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Post by Guest »

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5H Outlaw


Post by 5H Outlaw »

Born and raised in southern Alberta Canada, about 20 miles north of the 49th. Work all over Western Canada. Mostly spend all my time on ch 19 am, but surf a lot when nothings going on. This neck of the woods seemed to get out of cb a lot of years ago, except for truckers and the odd construction guy and some rv guys. (And a few die hards like me). I try to tell people that the radio is a lot more fun to use, but it's a tough sell.
I know there's a few more Canuks on here, how 'bout a come back...over.

I go by 5H Outlaw......but "hey, how bout the guy in the white dodge" works too. lol