148 GTL / Ham Unit Found

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148 GTL / Ham Unit Found


Post by oknaz »

I should be shot for even trying ebay but i couldn't pass up a good bid on a fine radio . i just hope I'm the winning bidder because this radio has been peaked/tuned/power turned up . it's even up north of me ...then i found another radio just like the 148 but it is just a plain jane radio . I'll watch both these radio's and see who win's
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Post by BobOstro61 »

Good luck!
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Just a note, if you want to win bids, dont put in the bid till the last 10 seconds. When you put in an early bid all it does is raise the price of the item. The only time I bid early is if I dont care weather or not I win and I cant be at a computer when it closes.
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Post by Guest »

Phaze91460 wrote:Just a note, if you want to win bids, dont put in the bid till the last 10 seconds. When you put in an early bid all it does is raise the price of the item. The only time I bid early is if I dont care weather or not I win and I cant be at a computer when it closes.
So you are the guy that out bids me in the closing seconds :lol:
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Bidding stopped


Post by oknaz »

After i looked at the radio in the pic i noticed it had no braket or mic or power cord . so i let it go and found a used model at a local shop . tuned/peaked/extra channel's for $100.00 . so now I'm trying to get my g/f to let me have it but she asked me if we needed it and i said not really and it stopped . but i told her it's a 1 chance in a life time to have a nice used 148gtl with extra channel's . but she doesn't understand so I'm taking all my radio stuff out of the truck and putting it up for storage . she made me mad so I'll take care of the problem .
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Sounds like my wife. She just wants to know " how much did that cost "
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Post by BigBopper »

Don't worry, there's alot of 148GTL's with peak, tuned and channels out there, I use one as a base unit, of course mine is Special with Cobra 2000GTL knobs,,,LOL

[ external image ]
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Thats quite a knob there Big Bopper !
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

You think the channel selector knob is big enough?
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Post by Phaze91460 »

Can we super size that order please !
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Post by BigBopper »

The 148 is THUMPER's old unit, knobs were on it when I got it,,,,LOL
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Post by 231 »

I have a couple of the older 148's (before Cobra got cheap with their I/O boards). Absolutely one of the best radios I've ever had! The ears on them are second to none. Good clean mod on both AM & SSB. I ran mine as the base for years.

And I really like the looks with that knob set! :Peace!:
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Post by Mississippifrog »

In my opinion the 148GTL is one of the nicer radios cobra has made.I've got a friend with one and its loud!
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148 found


Post by oknaz »

Well it's hard to get my G/F to understand CB she thinks it's a waste of money to buy another radio when i all ready have a radio . so i explain in the best way that i can . DEAR the radio in the truck is nice but when you are out in the middle of know where and we break down we go to use the cell phone but then there is no cell service in any direction . who do you think is going to hear a 4 watt radio in the middle of no mans land NO BODY IS . so i asked again and i guess is NO .....oh well no 148gtl for this desert rat . $100.00 for a good used tuned/peaked/extra channel radio isn't bad . but I'll never know what it's like ....can't have it . i can play the same game when she wants something :twisted:
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Post by 231 »

Keep a look out. Lots of older (the good ones) 148's people are parting with...not really knowing what they have IMO. I bought one of mine off ebay a few years ago for $75 shipped.

And I catch the same flack from the wife from time to time...as I have tons of stuff I don't use anymore. :-? But I keep it anyway. Besides, I work for a living, and when she started pulling the "your money is my money, and my money is my money" stuff, I quickly put a stop to that. I was in the dog house for awhile...but that's where my radio equipment is anyway. :-D (J/K)

Keep your eyes open! ;)