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anyone use a capacitor?

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Re: anyone use a capacitor?


Post by WESTGATE »

ahhh well....you know how it goes with electronics doc...im sure one of these days it will decide to crap out on me and blow up in my face.....be digging dielectric out of my teeth and hair for a couple days,

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Re: anyone use a capacitor?


Post by 'Doc »

Considering the size of that thing, you will be very lucky if -anyone- will bother picking the pieces out of you. That's not meant to be pesimistic.
- 'Doc
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Lost Ram
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Re: anyone use a capacitor?


Post by Lost Ram »

I have found a BIG second battery works A LOT better. Big wire, Big connectors, and Big fuse holder ECT. I tried two caps to help power the stereo in my Extended Cab Ram, worked ok for the first bass note, past that not a whole lot of difference. More the 3k watts total power supplied to: two 15's, one jet port 12, two tens, two 6x9, two horns, and two mids. I added a second battery and HOLY smokes!!! That was the ticket there boy!!
I never really noticed any difference with my 6 pill after the cap install but, I did after the second battery install. The voltage and amp gauge didn't dive near as much!!! I was able to drive the amp much better.
I would go with an extra battery before even thinking about a cap.
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Re: anyone use a capacitor?


Post by smooth16 »

Mine has some really pretty flashy blue leds and a digital gauge I can watch how fast my voltage drops.
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