got a midland 1001Z

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the bandit43
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got a midland 1001Z


Post by the bandit43 »

went to R&L electronics picked up a midland list price $44.95
theirs 39.95 with my trade in i paid $27.57
bandit:Snowman, you got your ears on?

Snowman:You lucky devil, you got him! Where the heck are you?
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Idaho Annie

Re: got a midland 1001Z


Post by Idaho Annie »


That's an inexpensive little radio! How does it sound?

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the bandit43
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Re: got a midland 1001Z


Post by the bandit43 »

well annie.. the channels wouldn't change so i took it back for a cobra 25 LTD nightwatch
bandit:Snowman, you got your ears on?

Snowman:You lucky devil, you got him! Where the heck are you?
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517 squirrel
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Re: got a midland 1001Z


Post by 517 squirrel »

I have one of those midlands and they don't make them like they used to the new lil midlands are pretty much for an in a pinch radio you are much better off in my opinion with the cobra 25
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