This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Post by mudder »

Today I LOOKED UP ON THE ROOF AND GUESS WHAT THE TOP SECTION OF MY i MAX 2000 IS GONE.Im GUESSING THE WIND BLEW IT OFF a week or so ago we had some high winds then.I was told if i call the place that makes these that they will replace it for free and send me the top section.funny thing is everyone still gives me the same signal without thhe top section there so im wondering waht its good for anyway?i HAVE HAD THIS ANTENNA FOR ABOUT 4 YEARS but before that i had an antron 99 up for 12 years with no problems at all i may go back to the antron.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

That would have to be one heck of a wind !

Have you found any pieces of it ?
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Post by BobOstro61 »

How's your SWR's without the top section?
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Post by mudder »

well my roof is pretty high so i havent been up there yet since its been rainging all day.but maybe monday if it doesnt rain ill see if i can find the top section.not sure about the swrs didnt check them but i will check themmonday after i get out of work.A friend of mine told me today maybe I forgot to put the lock washer on that section and it came lose.he may be right but anyway now I have a job ahead of me . :Peace!:
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littlesquirt 25


Post by littlesquirt 25 »

ya i had a imax for awhile and the top section flew off sum where also so i pu tmy a99 up and havent had any trouble
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Post by mudder »

I was i kept my antron 99 but i gave it to a friend of mine then he sold it.I think im just going to buy a new antron 99 this is the 2nd time the top section broke.And going from the antron 99 to the i max 2000 everyones signal was still the think since its 7 feet taller and a 5/8 wave signals and transmit signal would go up.back to the good old trusty antron 99 i guess. :shocked: :Peace!: :twisted:
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