Skip Is Back From Cali

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Ninety Three Eleven

Skip Is Back From Cali


Post by Ninety Three Eleven »

Hello All,
I broadcast out of the Smokey Hills and it has been almost four months since I heard skip from California. It seems that it is starting to come in sporadically but I think it's about to roll again from the west coast.
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Post by BobOstro61 »

That's one area I haven't talked so far is Colorado on west. Can't seem to make it over the mountains. It seems like someone put up a brick wall up from the western Missouri border on west just to block me from RXing and TXing that way.
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Ninety Three Eleven


Post by Ninety Three Eleven »

I heard that it may be because of the sun but I really don't know. I do know there it seems that the first part of the year I hear very little from there and then when summer comes in they start getting loud. One good thing for you is (766) the Big Man in Cali doesn't plug your ears for four hours a day, LOL
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