This forum is a valuable resource for microphone information, including wiring details and more. If you need assistance with choosing a high-quality microphone for your radio, feel free to ask here.
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4 cycle
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Post by 4 cycle »

Does anyone know the wiring to wire a TURNER + 2 Transisorized desk microphone to a Johnson Messenger Viking 4230 cb radio. Thanks
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Post by MDYoungblood »

Hi 4 cycle,
The radio is a Messenger 4230. Sorry to say but a Turner +2 is a 4 wire mic and won't work on that radio. It requires a 6 wire mic, I have been told that the D104-TUP6 stand works very well with that radio. If you open the radio locate and remove CR12 for modulation and AM power are L3 L4 and L6. The pin out for the mic is;
1 - common
2 - receive
3 - transmit
4 - audio
5 - speaker
shell - shield

"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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Post by 4 cycle »

Thanks for the reply MD the mic was working on a Viking 430 which is basicaly the same radio just a little fancier the only difference is the the mic plug for the 430 is plastic and the 4230 is a reguler five pin metal johnson plug it actualy does work on the 4230 but I get a squeal and feed back in the speaker, think its a ground issue. Thanks again.
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Post by MDYoungblood »

Hi again 4 cycle,
On most of the Johnson's with that plug you have to make sure it is not grounded or that any metal part of the mic touches the radio, if you look at the female plug on the radio it is insulated from the chassis. Your squeal is from the audio ground needs to be separate from the switching ground and I think the speaker has to be switched (disconnected) on transmit. Johnson liked to make things complicated.
"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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4 cycle
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Post by 4 cycle »

Thanks again MD I will mess with it when I have time I' ll let you know how I make out with it. THANKS AGAIN. 4 cycle
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