removing turner super sidekick head

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removing turner super sidekick head


Post by maverick-074 »

i have a turner super sidekick i got for 5 bucks i believe it needs an element it keys up fine just wont modulate ive opened the bottom of the base and all the components appear fine as well as the wiring but i cant get the head off. i was told by one person it twisted off and well it clicks over a bit but wont release how do you remove the chrome head?
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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by Nagant »

The information you were told is wrong. Look on the back of the head. There is a small chrome sticker in its center covering a screw. Take a small precision screwdriver and gently pry around the circumference of the sticker until it peels up. Remover the screw and the basket assembly with the element will twist and pull out. The other part of the head is held in with a small screw in the inside going into the neck. No need to remove it. Just a FYI in case that part of the head is loose you can tighten it.

The Supersidekick takes a special element mounted in the basket with an audio transformer on the back of the element. You can get a new old stock proper element from a gentleman on eBay. I've bought a number of elements from him and they've all been new and good. Can't post a link as it's against the board rules but a search should find them for you.

Did you test the element straight off the two leads running from it through the neck to the bottom amplifier board? It's easier to test it there then disassemble and find out later it's good. I use a little Archer amplified speaker to test items such as elements for audio.
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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by maverick-074 »

thx for the information i have an element on the way and also i took your advice and checked the leads still same result i very much appreciate it
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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by 4 cycle »

Also make sure the points that are oporated by the key bar are not pitted or corroded I have had that problem with my SUPER SIDE KICK, it really is a great mic and still works great after 30 + years!!
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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by Nagant »

Your welcome.

4 cycle gave you some good advice on those contacts points. They get that black corrosion build up over time that causes them to loose continuity. A small fine toothed file works well for removing the black corrosion. No pressure needed just some movement with the file to get the corrosion off.
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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by SA104-PM »

Nagant wrote:Your welcome.

4 cycle gave you some good advice on those contacts points. They get that black corrosion build up over time that causes them to loose continuity. A small fine toothed file works well for removing the black corrosion. No pressure needed just some movement with the file to get the corrosion off.

I recently sent mine to a friend in Alabama. he was wondering how to tighten the head on it. I had it for years but was never bothered by it, just made sure to be carful with it. I found this topic in a google search, had to join to read it. any ways, got the info needed and will pass it on..

I also cleaned the contacts in mine by using a pencil eraser, just dont bend the tabs to extreme when tryin to get the eraser in there

I operate under this same name over on cbtricks

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Re: removing turner super sidekick head


Post by Nagant »

Glad to hear the info is still helping people with their Turner Super Sidekicks, SSB, +3, +3B, Custom Specials.........
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