First SSB radio and DX contacts

Whether you're new to using single sideband (SSB) or have years of experience, this forum is the perfect place to ask your questions or provide assistance to those who are new.
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Posts: 17
Joined: April 4th, 2007, 7:34 pm
Antenna: Browning BR-140
Radio: Magnum 257HP

First SSB radio and DX contacts


Post by Bigmac »

Got my new 257HP in from sparky's last week, and since I have been talkin up a storm makin contacts from socal to florida and houston to south dakota. I'm running a Browning BR-140 antenna, which is a larsen type nmo antenna mounted to my front left fender on my '04 f150, swrs 1.4 at 1 and 40 and lower across the band. I never would have thought i'd have this much fun with a simple cb radio, but its freakin sweet, already searchin for a base and gettin my friends involved! 567 Joe out in Utah seems to be an easy day to day contact, our conditions must be perfect because even when theres no other dx i always seem to find him.
747 in West Texas/Central Oklahoma lurking around 38 LSB
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Joined: July 23rd, 2011, 8:46 pm
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Re: First SSB radio and DX contacts


Post by Thunder4299 »

Sounds like your having a ball.!. thats what it is all about. and about the base setup, any ideas what your looking for or have your eye on? 73's and hope to catch you around the band.

~Thunder~ 1043 in the bluegrass state,..just got down!
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Re: First SSB radio and DX contacts


Post by 231 »

Congrats on the DX. The 257 is one of my favorite exports. Don't know why other than their transmit audio it usually very good (IMHO). Don't blame you on the base station either. By far they are allot more fun than strictly mobile. But it's all about propagation. Local stuff can be allot of fun too by the way.
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