Astatic 636L

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1 ADAM 12
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Astatic 636L


Post by 1 ADAM 12 »

I have 2 identical Astatic 636L mics. I replaced my stock mic on my RCI 2980wx. I tried out each of these mics on my RCI and received two different results about how the radio sounded. According to a few other CB'ers (that I trust) the first 636 sounded lower and did not have as much modulation in the transmit. The second 636 sounded clear, had great modulation and powerful audio. No adjustments were made to the radio during the tests. My question is, "Is it normal to have two of the same mics to produce different results?" Thanks.
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Sniper X
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Re: Astatic 636L


Post by Sniper X »

No, I have four of them and all sound excellent and the oldest one is about three years old, the newest about 2 months old. It is probably the module, it either got wet, or dried out. If both are the same age, then one is defective.Ive seen that before.
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1 ADAM 12
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Re: Astatic 636L


Post by 1 ADAM 12 »

Thanks for the reply. Neither mic is over 6 months old. I use the "quiet mic" in my mobile and the "loud" one on my base. Everybody I have talked to said the mic sounds normal in the mobile....Oh well. Thanks again.
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