ht 202????

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5H Outlaw

ht 202????


Post by 5H Outlaw »

Anybody know if you can mod an HT 202 vhf fm transceiver to high vhf ? Picked up a couple the other day for cheap and would like to get the company freq. on them if possible. (163.050) If not I guess it would be interesting to listen to the ham guys, I think I can pick up 5 repeaters from here.
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

The old Rad-Shack brick handheld! Ugggg, if I recall and its been a long while, there is no mars/cap for it.
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5H Outlaw


Post by 5H Outlaw »

Ok, thanks, I'll just listen to the repeaters then. The old fella that I got it from had one of them hooked up to an alinco amp and was talking from a neighborhood that didn't allow antennas. Looked like a bomb went off inside that room. He had a couple slinkys stretched out on two walls and a 3 foot square about 2 inches deep wrapped in wire hanging on the wall. Had some cool power supplys that put out different voltages at the same time, peaked at 35 amp. Wish I would have got a pic for the antenna section.
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