Finally made over seas contact

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Finally made over seas contact


Post by silvereagle1 »

I finally made contact somewhere other than the the United States today. it took me a little while this morning but I got to talk to 101 in the UK. It was brief but it was clear and sound was good. Then a few minutes later I talked to 777 in Canada.. Must have been rolling my way today :)
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by dirtyjob »

congrats, its always nice to talk outside of ones country :cheers:
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by gunner57 »

Nice work! It feels good making the trip over the pond.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by De_Wildfire »

Nice Job. If you get on around dusk til it gets dark, you may hear Japan. They come in on 10 meters around that time and 11 meters behaves the same way. You may have to go to the internatinal calling frequency on the FB.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by silvereagle1 »

De_Wildfire wrote:Nice Job. If you get on around dusk til it gets dark, you may hear Japan. They come in on 10 meters around that time and 11 meters behaves the same way. You may have to go to the internatinal calling frequency on the FB.
I've actually talked alot more to the uk since I first posted. I know where to find them now! Have to slide just a little bit to get those guys.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by wi 544 »

nice job,, I have been going up to the UK fm cb band (27.601250 to 27.991250) and talking to the uk,, something different and they always seem happy to here a us station coming back to their fm mobiles
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by silvereagle1 »

wi 544 wrote:nice job,, I have been going up to the UK fm cb band (27.601250 to 27.991250) and talking to the uk,, something different and they always seem happy to here a us station coming back to their fm mobiles
I've talked to them on AM the times I've made contact. I never have tried to contact them using FM mode. I just pulled the UK cb frequencies chart of the Internet and may give it a shot in the next few days.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by jessejamesdallas »

Never made it over the pond to the UK...But I have made it to Sidney and Melbourne Australia on 38 LSB several times...Usually right after dark, but it doesn't stick around very long.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by milkman21218 »

Congrats to you Silver Eagle on your UK contact. Keep up the good work with your super station.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by silvereagle1 »

The times I've made contact has been early in the morning. Around 7:00-9:00 a.m. Eastern time. That seems to be the window for contact to the UK for me. There's been a few times the only skip I was getting was from over there then around 10 am on up it just switches back to the states.. Not all the time but sometimes.
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Re: Finally made over seas contact


Post by North Texas Mudduck »

while back i was talking to 44 john and he jumped in the middle of my conversation with another guy around newyork he told me there was a guy in Italy yelling at his lungs telling me to turn it down for about 30 minutes
then changed his tone and just wanted to make a contact
john told me i was like 20 s-units into Italy
so yes it can be fun when you have the right conditions
just right spot for being on channel 28
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