Young Gun

You can put a videogate, watergate on Putfile or YouTube, and put the URL links in your post. Anyone can get a free account on Putfile to store their gates, and it even gives you the BB code to post in your message for the link.
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521 Houston

Young Gun


Post by 521 Houston »

Young Gun in Virginia on 26.915. Remember, this is all being recorded from my bench radio on a dipole nailed to my ceiling! LOL!

Click here to hear Young Gun


Post by THUMPER »

good gates all of them


Post by BigBubbaBD »

Whats a dipole?
Newbie sorry


Post by Madhadder1558 »

nice gate!
bubba a dipole is a type of antenna. made from a piece of wire.


Post by blackjack »

i know young gun personally. he lives on chesapeake. great guy. and 1 hell of a base station
521 Houston


Post by 521 Houston »

Cool! Let him know he made the watergate page!
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