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This forum is a valuable resource for microphone information, including wiring details and more. If you need assistance with choosing a high-quality microphone for your radio, feel free to ask here.
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continued from my into post.....


Post by cjb321 »

ok so i got a new radio in my truck and i hate the feel of the stock mic even though some say it actually works pretty well. its awkward to me because of the way i hold and use the mic for the radio in my work truck.

ok so i went to the local cb shop and had the guy there wire a rk65 to my radio just to make sure it will work. i like the feel of that mic but have read more bad reviews about the newer ones but im not sureabout the one i have. the ones they sell at the Love's here dont say Telex on them on the front and mine does BUT mine also isnt stamped telex turner on the back, only turner but talking to a few truckers on the highway they say it sounds good.

the other 2 mics i want to try are the astatic 636L and the ranger sra198. leaning more towards the ranger because of the way the ptt key is hinged but both seem to get more good reviews then bad.

So school me guys hehe

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Re: continued from my into post.....


Post by MDYoungblood »

All 3 mic's you mentioned are "Noise Cancelling" and each one will sound different on your radio, the new RK56's have a junky PTT switch and the Astatic isn't much better, both have been prone to failure. I like the Ranger SRA198 mic, was actually a decent price too until they switched manufacturers. I would try that one next and you probably wouldn't go to the Astatic.
Wiring the mic is pretty easy, it is the same as a Cobra 4 pin mic except pins 5 and 6 are not connect, they are the Bluetooth function.


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Re: continued from my into post.....


Post by 1 ADAM 12 »

I use the Ranger SRA198 on both mobile and base setup. I really like the mic and the heavy feel is has. My vote goes to it. [Please login or register to view this link]
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