Realistic DX-160

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Realistic DX-160


Post by Hawkeye »

I used to have a Realistic DX-160 shortwave receiver. Loved the nostalgic look of the case. Enjoyed this receiver alot.
Long story short, I sold it when I needed money.
But I`m ready to get another one.
One question I have.
Has anyone ever had a similar radio? What I`m getting at is I loved the radio, but seems like a shortwave radio with a digital display might have the edge on the DX-160.
Looking at a shortwave book I have, they seem to put alot of emphisis on what frequency you may be able to hear certain broadcasts on.
The Realistic DX-160 does not have a digital display. So your basically taking an educated guess at what frequency you are actually on.
Should I consider looking at a shortwave receiver that has a digital display over not having one for these very reasons?
I`m looking to get feedback from people who have had both kinds themselves.
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by Nightshade »

For now I don't worry to much about being exact when I DX for some SWL I just spin the dial and see what's out there just like fishin'.

When I get my Grundig 800 set up this spring I'll start to log where and who I hear but for now I'm just fishin'!!
Just sittin' 'n puffin' while I listen to the radio!
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by Foxhunter »

Here's a couple great links I've had saved on my PC's desktop for a couple of weeks. Some very good reading and information for consideration and selection of a good shortwave radio. Hope it helps

The Best and Worst Receivers for AM
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Selecting a Shortwave Radio
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Post by Eagleman »

I like the REalistic DX 390 radio myself, I tried several out and I love the looks and receive on this radio. Just key in on your search engine "Raelistic DX390" and read the Reviews about this radio, they are vary good... Eagleman :bigsmurf:
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by goodgodgurdy »

Keep in mind the DX-160 is a 2 star (out of 5) radio. Not the best for DXing and among the "elite" shortwavers it is considered a real dog. Now having said that I like this radio also because I had one long ago. If you are not going to park it on a freq for any period of time it is fun to use. It is not for long term parking though because it drifts so much. Doesn't matter if your just having fun DXing with you hand on he tuning knob to correct the drift. Just stay away from the DX-150 models (the B model is not too bad).

If it is the style you like consider Allied, Lafayete, Hallicrafters, Knight, Heathkit (Knights & Heathkts were kits so quality will depend on who put it together yeas ago.), they all made radios like the 160.

Having a digital read out is great if you are a serious utility DXer but you will probably find you don't play around searching as much as you do with a dial. Remember too with an older radio like that you are going to be using a BFO for sideband and that can really suck if you are not good at it. One of the great things about the newer radios is being able to push one button and turning Donald duck into a person talking.

There are radios out there that have both setups. Some of the radios Rat Shack put out to replace the 160 have both...but I would feel bad even giving one to someone (the DX-300 and 302). Panasonic made RF-4800 and 4900 that way and although both are dogs they are a blast to play with.

I have owned all the radios I have mentioned and had fun with them all (but then I can have fun with any one of the Midland models and they are considered the worst SW radios ever built by most).

Guess it boils down to this. If you are a serious DXer ie. you chase the Mossad, CIA, military, spy stations (ie. number stations), etc. get a decent receiver that handles sideband (where the action is). For late night fun go with the 160 type of is kind of like fishing, never know what you are going to catch.

And finally....just get one of each! Because anyone could disagree with what I have said.

M8 is sending cut numbers right now on 10235...but even my R-5000 is doing its best to dig it out of the QRN.

Time to hit the rack.
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by jopcobra89 »

Go to the ARRL website [Please login or register to view this link] and see if any amateur radio hamfests are being held in your area in the near future. Used shortwave radios, along with CB's, pop up all the time at them... usually selling cheap. If you find a nice radio that isn't priced, don't be shy asking the seller. I missed out on a Sony 2010 last year that wasn't priced thinking it was out of my range... and ended up finding out it sold to someone for 5 bucks :icon_e_surprised:

I see DX-160's quite often selling at hamfests for around $30 to $50 if you want another one.
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by Craig »

I'm a big fan of the DX-160 for my purposes it performed well. Had it hooked up to a insulated long-wire antenna spending hundreds of hours listening to SW and amateur stations all over the world. Knew a couple of fellows that used the VFO in the DX-160 connected to their CB's back in the late seventies and early eighties .. no clue how the mod was done or the range it offered but it did work. One fellow had one in his station wagon at the time think it was hooked up to a old crystal controlled Courier.
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Re: Realistic DX-160


Post by radiowave75 »

Hi this is jason. I also have a realistic dx 160 and love the way it lights up at night. I grew up with this radio so i didn't know the drift was unusual. Its all i had so i thought it was normal Haha. I now have a sagean ats 909 which is considered to be one of the best modern portable shortwaves ever made and of course it has a digital display. I would suggest to try it especially since you can get a good deal on them now days. Enjoy and 73's
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