Afternoon Skip 2/9/17

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Mtn Lynx
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Afternoon Skip 2/9/17


Post by Mtn Lynx »

While I was at home on lunch break, finally heard some clear radio skip on 19AM and 38LSB. The guy on 19 couldn't hear me. I did a radio check on 38LSB, 0226 Monterey Bay responded :cheers: . Also did a shout out to CBRT members. It was short lived, but after going two months without making any contacts, I got that RUSH again!!!! Hope mother nature finds it upon herself to allow more propagation. :r&r:
\m/ >.< \m/
Anytone AT 6666
Galaxy DX 959
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TWRC Member: WR223
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443 Arizona
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Post by 443 Arizona »

today was an unusual chatty day, a little bit yesterday too, so i wonder because i see its a full moon now, maybe its howlin' time.
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Mtn Lynx
Posts: 453
Joined: September 11th, 2016, 2:00 am
Handle: Lightning
Real Name: Cletus
Call Sign: WR223
Antenna: A99/Wire dipole
Radio: Anytone AT 6666/Bearcat 980SSB


Post by Mtn Lynx »

Haven't heard anything in the evening. I may leave the radio on tonite. Might hear someone howling. :DJ:
\m/ >.< \m/
Anytone AT 6666
Galaxy DX 959
Galaxy DX 2517
Cobra 148 GTL
1/2 wave Dipole
Solarcon A99
TWRC Member: WR223
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