Space from my face

This forum is a valuable resource for microphone information, including wiring details and more. If you need assistance with choosing a high-quality microphone for your radio, feel free to ask here.
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Space from my face


Post by Fisherman 1 »

This is probably a stupid question but how far away do I hold the d104 6mb? Radio is a Uniden 980.

Also, how do I correlate between the 2 mic gains, i.e. the mic gain on the radio and the volume on the power mic?

I'm new and this is my first post.
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Re: Space from my face


Post by 295 antenna »

this will help about using a microphone

-- Wednesday, 01 March 2017, 16:31 PM --

As far as adjusting your mic gain i always try to have the gain as high as i can on the radio and adjust the mic accordingly. Although when using SSB keep the mic gain on the radio at about 50% for better quality so you dont sound muffled
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Re: Space from my face


Post by MDYoungblood »

The way 295 said it is the same way I adjust my mic's, turn the radio's mic gain all the way up then adjust the microphone's gain to where you sound clean and clear. Some do it just the opposite, turn the mic gain up and choke it off with the radios gain. Now distance from the mic should only be a couple of inches, closer if it is a noise canceling mic.
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Deleted User 14541

Re: Space from my face


Post by Deleted User 14541 »

I'm with these guys. Run the mic gain on the radio at maximum and adjust the mic for the proper audio level. This may not work out for the guys with all the super modulation mods done. Some crummy mods make it so you can't turn the mic gain up with any mic

Hold the mic a few inches from your lips. Some guys like to crank the mic up and talk at arms length. Bad idea unless you want the other noises in the shack to be as loud as your voice.
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