Is there a good place to punch through firewall?

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Is there a good place to punch through firewall?


Post by mm3148 »

Good Day

I am currently running a RCI 2950 in my 2011 Toyota Corolla.

I am currently using a lighter plug but as you all know this is creates too much noise from the engine so I am looking to connect it directly to the battery.

Does anyone know where in the firewall is a good spot to run the wires through without drilling? preferably on the passenger side.

Thanks in Advance!

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Re: Is there a good place to punch through firewall?


Post by MDYoungblood »

Most vehicles have a couple of grommets already on the firewall, you may have to raise the car and look up. I found one that was for the clutch linkage, just slice a short gash in it to run the wires through. I try to run the on the side the battery is located just to keep them from crossing behind the motor. Make sure you add a fuse at the battery, this is in case the positive wire accidentally gets grounded.


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Re: Is there a good place to punch through firewall?


Post by JaxJim »

Depending on where you mounted your antenna, you might look at coming in under the floor. There is usually grommets under there, many times near where the seats or. Tie off the coax to an existing harness. I've done this method a few times.
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