Old Expo A channel xtal code Info needed

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Old Expo A channel xtal code Info needed


Post by dss56 »

I'm looking for the Expo channel expander kit crystal codes that are on the Xtals.
I have an A Kit with 2 xtals 1 has a T and the other a J on xtals nothing else.

Other kit is a Expo S+ and it has S X on xtal only single xtal on this board.

I know what radios these are for but seems when made they coded the xtals and did not put the frequency of said xtal on them.

Would anyone know the code to the xtals that was used for all the Expo 100 kits
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Re: Old Expo A channel xtal code Info needed


Post by MDYoungblood »

I think who ever made the "Expo Channel Expander Kit" had the crystals specially marked for the people who were assembling them, I don't think it was any special code per say. They were basically a mixing crystal a couple hundred hertz one way or the other from the original mixing crystals frequency, you would just have to do the math to find the one you need to use.


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Re: Old Expo A channel xtal code Info needed


Post by dss56 »

The difference is 450hz up or down which equals 40 channel band with either way have to take in account the missed A channels.
The Xtal companies that make them are robbers as far as I'm concerned looking for $30.00 per xtal. there is no tooling to be done as the xtal case/HU/49 cases already exist only have to make the xtal wafer cut to the frequency needed. Then assemble as needed as the xtals need no special assembly.

Well im looking for 4 frequencies 15.810mhz-14.910mhz-10.6780mhz and 9.7980mhz about 25-50 each.
I have tried most crystal houses in the USA so now Iv got some emails to china xtal makers waitins for answers.

thanks Bob
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