Help with Amp tuning

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Super Mud-Duck
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Help with Amp tuning


Post by Wmalgren »

Hello all, sorry I wasn’t very specific about this topic. So I’ve built a few amps now, a few 2 pills, and a few , straight 4 pills, from scratch. With plans from the internet, plus some YouTube videos. I’ve added a few twist of my own. The one thing I can’t figure out is, how to come up with the input and output capacitance. The schematics show a specific value, and those values work very well. But, I don’t like variables, I don’t run class c because I like to talk ssb. Changing anything, changes the tune. I’ve been tuning by trial and error. That’s kind of messy. I do manage to get them perfect, but, I need to know the math! Any thoughts?

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Lost Ram
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Re: Help with Amp tuning


Post by Lost Ram »

I just use a variable cap on the input so the radio is happy. Its easy to tune with a meter. Not sure on the math, I might have it written down, if I do I will post it.
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Super Mud-Duck
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amps ar Help with Amp tuning


Post by Wmalgren »

thank you for your input, i do use Arco tuning caps on the input. the output on the other hand< ive noticed that a 150 pf is pretty standerd, its ballpark.
the tuning caps wont handle the power of more then 2 pills.
150 is not always the sweet spot, its time consuming to add or subtract from the output value. i have found a lot of lost watts< in more then a few amps ive played with.
To me, building and tuning linear Amps, is like building hotrods, and a lot cheeper.
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