Galaxy 2517 modulation drops after warming up

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Super Mud-Duck
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Galaxy 2517 modulation drops after warming up


Post by Kodiak1972 »

I have a galaxy 2517 that talks great for 10 min or so and then the modulation drops out to a faint whisper. It deadkeys 2watt and swings 25-28 but when this happens, it still deadkeys 2watts but needle barely moves when modulating, like barely past 2. Has good receive audio. If it cools down, you can turn it back on and everything is great again for another 10 min. Any suggestions. Also looking for help with a new 2950cd
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Re: Galaxy 2517 modulation drops after warming up


Post by sonoma »

open the radio up so you can push on the board from both sides with a pencil eraser or any plastic tool to see if you can find a area where the radio will come back on. you are looking for a bad solder joint that is losing contact when the board warms up. pay special attention to the area around the audio IC. a bad solder around the leg of a part can cause this so look close as you are moving parts around and pushing on the board.
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