Continuity at the SO239

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Continuity at the SO239


Post by gunner57 »

I was testing out a Uniden Grant XL and found there to be some continuity between the antenna jack and the chassis. It isn't a dead short, but there is a reading on my Ohm meter. I replaced the SO239 with another, and found that there was still continuity. So I tested the SO239 I had just removed and once it was out of the radio, there was no reading between the center and the shielded (threaded portion). I decided to test some of my other radios and I found that some have continuity and some don't. Is this normal?
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Re: Continuity at the SO239


Post by MDYoungblood »

Most radios have a capacitor between the center pin and ground, some have more than one. This is the reason you are seeing continuity.


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Re: Continuity at the SO239


Post by eyecue »

There is a problem checking "in circuit" continuity of the connection because there is a filter consisting of capacitors, coils and resistors in parallel with the ground. in RF terms it is not an issue because the RF out does not see it. With an ohm meter though, it is seen. The resister in that family of radios is a 10K Ohm.
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