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LMR240 vs. RG59 dual antennas

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LMR240 vs. RG59 dual antennas


Post by Antler24 »

Im running a cophase setup of 2 Wilson 2000 antennas and just purchased the Firestik FireRing (75ohm RG59) Cophase harness to go with it. I see alot of recommendations for LMR240 but they all seem to be single antenna setups. Which is best for dual antennas?
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Re: LMR240 vs. RG59 dual antennas


Post by Lost Ram »

With such a short run the RG59 75 Ohm harness will do just fine, its hard to find LMR240 in 75 Ohm anyway, once you did, you would have to build your own. It's not notable enough to worry about such a small loss. What you have is just fine.
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Re: LMR240 vs. RG59 dual antennas


Post by MDYoungblood »

There are a few companies making LMR240-75 (75ohm coax is used in co-phase harnesses), Times Microwave is one, Andrews has a CNT-240-75. Unless you are running gobs of wattage you aren't going to see any difference in output to the antennas and nothing at all on receive. I personally am not a FireStik brand fan but the only thing I had seen bad about their coaxes is the FireRing models, most of those were installation errors (over tightening).


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