texas star dx 400v swr problems

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texas star dx 400v swr problems


Post by candun »

hello glad to be here and hope you all can help.i had a hooker 100 in my truck worked great swr 1.1 but got greedy and wanted more power so i picked up the texas star ,the guy i got it from said texas stars need a coax choke? before the box. i tried without 1 and swr was complete crap put a choke inline and got swr to 3 wooohooo..... tried a few different antennas not much difference. picked up a Wilson 2000 at a shootout last weekend and got swr to 1.7 yay but have hit a wall. any help would be great. am running galaxy 99v dx 400v and Wilson 2000
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Re: texas star dx 400v swr problems


Post by jessejamesdallas »

Try moving the antenna to a different location and see if you can get it to tune better....lowering the DK will help too...I've had TS 500V's before and never had a issue with my SWR, and never used any kind of coax chokes either...

Could also be your SWR/Power meter has a problem reading swr and running more power...I've fried several SWR meters before checking SWR with amps turned on...Meter may read up to 2000w's peak, but the SWR part of the meter may not take that much power...unless it's a cross needle type meter.

way I set SWR now days is with a MFJ Antenna Analyzer, and be done with it...I don't check what the SWR reads with the amp on.
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Re: texas star dx 400v swr problems


Post by MDYoungblood »

Like JJD said, 90% of amp problems are antenna/SWR, the other 10% is someone messed with the amp itself mot knowing what they are doing. Just a question,, a Wilson 2000 is a 3/8-24 stud mounted antenna,, where is it mounted?? Another thing is that 99V might be too much radio for a 400V.


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