Checking SWR

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Checking SWR


Post by AtLarge »

BRREEAAAKKK for a few dumb questions.
When checking SWR, should the meter be before the booster or after?
Hooked up before my reading is 3.1 and having the meter after is 1.2 to 1.4 just like it is without the booster inline. This is good no?
Also just deadkey isn't sufficient. You need to be talking during the test? It seems to drop the needle slightly when I put some audio through it.
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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

I have my antenna going to my meter. Then the meter goes to the heater, then the radio. I could be wrong. As far as the "dead key" goes. No, you just key the mic and read your watts. Do not speak while testing that. Hence the term dead key. And make sure your radio is set to power(pwr) setting.
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Post by MDYoungblood »

The proper setup should be the radio to the amp to the meter to the (antenna tuner and/or switch if used) to the antenna. I check my SWR with everything inline (amp off naturally). A low DK is fine depending on the meter used, also a DK means just that, no modulation, (for SSB a 1kc tone can be used). When you place the meter between the radio and amp you are only checking the impedance there, a decent match the reading should be the same on both sides of the amp.


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Post by Blue Ox2 »

How's it workin' fer ya now Beach?
Bet you have a big soundin' station there in

I have the 503 in-line with all my gear.

73 till later,


How do you do from Blue Ox2
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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

MDYoungblood wrote: June 21st, 2019, 5:42 am The proper setup should be the radio to the amp to the meter to the (antenna tuner and/or switch if used) to the antenna. I check my SWR with everything inline (amp off naturally). A low DK is fine depending on the meter used, also a DK means just that, no modulation, (for SSB a 1kc tone can be used). When you place the meter between the radio and amp you are only checking the impedance there, a decent match the reading should be the same on both sides of the amp.


Ok, made a change. Now my antenna goes to the amp, then goes to the meter then the radio. If not. What should my antenna plug into first. And where would that then go, and so on. I think i'm losing my mind in my old age
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Post by MDYoungblood »

Okay, we'll do it in reverse,, antenna to meter to amp to radio.


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Deleted User 30222


Post by Deleted User 30222 »

Got it. Actually, this is how i originally had it. Antenna going to meter, going to amp then the radio. Thanks :)
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Post by AtLarge »

MDYoungblood wrote: June 21st, 2019, 5:42 am The proper setup should be the radio to the amp to the meter to the (antenna tuner and/or switch if used) to the antenna. I check my SWR with everything inline (amp off naturally). A low DK is fine depending on the meter used, also a DK means just that, no modulation, (for SSB a 1kc tone can be used). When you place the meter between the radio and amp you are only checking the impedance there, a decent match the reading should be the same on both sides of the amp.


2 x Bearcat 980, Cobra 29LX, Realistic TRC-448, GE 3-5812A, Uniden Pro 520XL, Fat Boy 2 PLL, Siltronix SLM-100, Solarcon A-99, Firestik FS4-B
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Post by jessejamesdallas »

You guys are giving me a headache listing this IMO "backwards!" :mrgreen:

"Radio > Amp > Meter > antenna...."

I can't remember ever seeing it listed the way y'all are doing starting with the antenna...Oh well...Guess it's all brown and stinky when it comes out the other end anyway... :o
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Post by De_Wildfire »

I do stuff is the best way to put it.
Radio>amplifier> Dentron Super Super Tuner> Alpha Delta Switch Box> two wire antennas and the Imax 2000. Every now and then throw a second SWR meter in line to check the SWR between the radio and the amp. The reason is that the jumper could go bad or the amp could pose a problem later down the road. Yes, you can have a 1.1 SWR after the amp and at the same time have high SWR between the radio and the amp if a PROBLEM exists. I say this from experience over the years using a tube amplifier.
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Post by Lost Ram »

De_Wildfire wrote: November 14th, 2019, 12:25 pm I do stuff is the best way to put it.
Radio>amplifier> Dentron Super Super Tuner> Alpha Delta Switch Box> two wire antennas and the Imax 2000. Every now and then throw a second SWR meter in line to check the SWR between the radio and the amp. The reason is that the jumper could go bad or the amp could pose a problem later down the road. Yes, you can have a 1.1 SWR after the amp and at the same time have high SWR between the radio and the amp if a PROBLEM exists. I say this from experience over the years using a tube amplifier.
Ditto the two meters inline. That's a good double check. I always do that with a new amp or new second hand amp. If you only have one you can switch it to the position between the radio and amp to measure there too.
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Post by nk14zp »

My amp has a band switch and air variable on the grid input independent of the output. I use the radio internal meter for this adjustment and the tuner/meter is after the amp. Most amps the input swr is set by a trimmer cap. An swr reading before the amp might not read the ant at all.
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Post by Lost Ram »

Its just to check the input tune of the amp is 50 ohm and the jumpers are ok.
CB: TRC-450, Imax
Ham: FTDX101MP, FT-991A ,FT8900-2 meter crossband rig
Ham Antennas: 570', 500', wire loops, 2M Copper Slim Jim X2, CG-144 mobile
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