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thinking about


Post by THUMPER »

ok been doing some thinking about giving up the cb hobbie and saling it all . i have met some really cool guys shooting skip and around my home town . just sick of having to run over the jack **Censored** that are on the air that you just want to stick your foot up their butt . when i first started it was cool i could be out doing some thing in town and talk to my kids . i dont try that any more because of some jurk talking crap to my kidds . (i did fine that guy dumn **Censored** did not think i could ) any way i spend way to much on cb stuff and way to much time doing it . so im thinking of backing out and doing more stuff like fishing and hunting 4x4 things i can do with my kidds with out some **Censored** **Censored** trying to be cool by picking on kidds . that is one good way to blow my top

thanks for the ear
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Post by Rex_foxhound »

I had at one time considered the same thing thumper. But what I did was i took a break from it and did other stuff like you mentioned. i come back to it every now and then but i have backed down a little right now. It will all pick back up in a few years when the solar cycle comes around and then it hopefully will be awesome!!

But i don't think i would give it up completely. Just maybe take a break for a while and see what happens.
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Big Guns


Post by Big Guns »

I have the same feelings quite often, so many dumb **Censored** around here, all they know how to say is BAM, Get out of here, shut up stupid and other ignorant stuff like that, that just makes listening to the radio very difficult. But on the other hand there are alot of good people out there too that make it all worth while, so it is a very tough decion to make as far as wether or not to give it up. And all that crap talking that goes on around here never end.
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5H Outlaw


Post by 5H Outlaw »

Pretty tame around here. I used to get all worked up and try to talk **Censored** back to the loud mouth jerks....then realized that I can't do a damn thing about how they act on the air except shut it off. Don't think it's fair that I (or anybody else) should have to not listen in or be able to carry on a decent conversation on the air without some **Censored** screwing it up, but I feel lots better if I just shut it down for a couple miles and then try again. Don't know about you guys, but it takes a lot of energy for me to be mad all the time. Not worth it, imo.
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5H Outlaw


Post by 5H Outlaw »

Oh great.......now I'm mad about the "sensor" feature. LOL
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Post by BigBopper »

I have thought of it many times, then I meet some here on this forum, who gives me hope in the hobby, in 30 years I have seen so many changes, seems it's getting better the last few
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Post by Looney »

don't let them get to you. they are around here to just keep doing your thing, yup take breaks it helps ;]
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Post by THUMPER »

ya it is just the dumn **Censored**'s that make you just want to shove their radio up their **Censored**. i mean if you here kidds talking to their daddy why would some one but in and talk all that crap . i do have plenty of power to walk on them but no ones kidds should be disrespected like that .
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Mr RadioActive


Post by Mr RadioActive »

Thumper honestly not a good thing for the Old RadioActive man to put in writting but Ive never really cared about whats popular.
Anyway, with all the cursing, **Censored**, and trash talk on the cb, I dont even run a radio. And haven't for a long time. But remember I do this about 12+ hours everyday for work. Anyway, I don't want to hear all that bull, and I will never allow my daughter or my wife to lbe subjected to the bull either. To make a long story short, I'm with ya 100%.
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