RM Italy KL300P amplifier preamp switch

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RM Italy KL300P amplifier preamp switch


Post by TimmyTheTorch »

I just bought this amp and overall I like it. There is just one part of the design I am not keen on. You can turn the preamp on by itself, which is nice but rarely useful.

The preamp also always turns on whenever you turn on the transmit part of the amp i.e. you cannot just turn on the transmit part without the preamp tagging along. It's my bad for not noticing this before completing the purchase.

I generally already deal with a solid S7 of QRM in my area and the preamp is more of a detriment than a help. I've read a few places about a switch being installed that lets you turn on the amp so that the preamp stays off. Has anyone had this mod done and who did it for you?

If I can't get this mod done I may sell this amp and move to the KL503 which I think does have a separate on/off switch for the preamp.
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Re: RM Italy KL300P amplifier preamp switch


Post by MDYoungblood »

Yes, that was a design problem with the 300P model, it was short lived. You would have to find a schematic and add a push button open/close switch on the back panel or like you said, buy a 503 and sell it, to me it is a much better amp.
You say you have a noise problem, there is plenty of topics on what could be causing it and a lot of how to fix most.


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Re: RM Italy KL300P amplifier preamp switch


Post by TimmyTheTorch »

I ended up deciding to get a KL503HD instead to get both the high drive and separate pre-amp capability. It is supposed to be here tomorrow. It was going to arrive before Christmas before Mother Nature decided to whip up a blizzard. I think we got off quite easy here in NE Wisconsin compared to places like Buffalo.

Shortly I will be looking for someone interested in a quite new KL300P but that's a topic for a different day on a different forum.
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