SKIP on some CB channels

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SKIP on some CB channels


Post by Wencyslaus »

Skip Shooter's Paradise, Here I am taking it upon myself to type a few words. I don't know if everyone out there will have a laugh at me or not. I just want to say that I hope that that there will always be skip heard on the CB radio. In my instance I get nervous at the thought of not hearing skip on the cb radio. I'm taking like maybe it isn't appropriate that I would think or entertain the idea that there is less skip on the cb radio band that I hear because of something that I did or did not do or had do not have priorities set in the right direction.... Used to be i would hear what is skip on some chanells like 6 or 26 or 11 or 3 o 4 but it was relatively short in duration but to me the signals were strong. Listening on dad's Fanon 40 channel mobile Cb radio! So like I don't know I almost that it is unreal that I would not hear skip ever again on the CB radio. This is over a period of many years because. I can't say that I was maybe 11 or 12 or so when I first heard the CB radio on. I may have heard channel 19 very noisy with a lot of background stations and truckers talking to each other. Well anyway to get to my point, this morning I could hear someone in Puerto Rico calling to stations in places like North Carolina and other states in the U.S. I feel that this is really cool. I listen with a Uniden PRO401HH. What I am really interested in saying is that I hope that I will hear the skip that I hear some days like from the southern states and oher states like land o lincoln and the buckeye state. I don't hear too much of that SKIP on CB these days I really hope it will still be on the air from time to time. Maybe I am not listening at the right times or maybe things have changed a little on the CB band or skip propagagtion, pardon my long word, it was only brief times that I heard skip when I did have a CB radio turned on and was listening. it wasn't always that the radio was on. The first cb I heard on was my uncle Bill then dad's cb in the car. I don't know if everyone heard the same things on CB radio as I did. In the same vein I hope CB will stay long filled with the skipland signals. I especially liked AM on channel 6 sometimes with alligator stations and people saying "I'm reading the mail and I'm back quiet or World Wide in the Magnolia state Break Break channel 6.
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Re: SKIP on some CB channels


Post by Windwalker »

Hi 410125 welcome to CBRT. AM skip is fun but takes a lot of power on the channels you mentioned. Try sideband for low watt skip often times from other countries. In our lifetime there should always be skip on the CB or 11 meter band. That is unless the FCC sells off the frequencys for something new like cell phones, millitary or other uses. So dont worry there will always be skip somewhere.
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Re: SKIP on some CB channels


Post by De_Wildfire »

Wencyslaus... Welcome to the forum. I've been into CB since 1978 and the skip has always been around. I enjoy SSB and have worked all over Europe over the years on 12 watts and collected many QSL cards from the 11 meter band. A recent contact a few weeks ago was on my Uniden Washington Vintage Base running 12 watts talking to Texas. I have always used the iMAX 2000 base antenna over the years and recently a small beam. It's better to have a real good antenna and a so so radio than have the best radio out there with an antenna that doesn't get out. I never really got into AM but SSB has been great for me and fun. There will always be skip around and it is like the tide....It it comes in and goes out all the time. Just keep the radio 38 LSB in stand by mode and wait for it.
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