unresponsive tuning coil

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Joined: September 17th, 2009, 11:18 am
Handle: Magyver
Real Name: christopher
Antenna: Maco V 5/8
Radio: Cobra 29 Base mod

unresponsive tuning coil


Post by electrotech »

I have a cobra 29 that I performed a MOSFET conversion on and Ive never had any issues before. while balancing the band the power would fluctuate sudenly smoke came from IC4 area. Ive replaced the audio chip and was able to rebalnce across the band at 6 watts carrier with 30 watts modulation. However the right side of L21 is non responsive, I would have thought the balance would be off but its ewading just fine. could it be that the coil just happened to stop adjusting at the correct readibgs or is something else going on? Id love some help on troubleshooting this coil. should I replace it first or is there some other component that could be out causing the coil to be unresponsive? Your helis apreciated.
Always learning and sometimes forget
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