Parking garages, 4x4 vans, and antennas.

This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Parking garages, 4x4 vans, and antennas.


Post by Mentor3006 »

So my camper van, which I daily far more than I should, is going to go in assuming budget plays nice, later this year for a 4x4 conversion. It presently sits at 7' even with the raised fiberglass roof and 245/70R16s (Effectively 30x95.0-16 in floatation size). The 4x4 conversion lifts the suspension 6", and requires use of a 35x12.50 tire (Going to go with 17 to match my pickup). So ground to roof to I am adding 8.5".

I am currently running a 102" fender mounted on the drivers front corner of the van as it was the most convenient METAL spot to mount the antenna to (Pop up fiberglass roof and all).

Now the problem.

My job provides parking in a downtown parking garage, tall vehicle parking is a reserved section I have access to for the van as it is taller than 6' 6" withouth the conversion, but it is limited to 9' total height.

To say the 102 makes a LOUD noise entering the garage is an understatement. I have to pull in to get out of the street, pull aside to not block the entrance, get out and pull the antenna down and clip it to the rain gutter, then I proceed to my parking space.

I believe I can get away with an antenna 4' and shorter, I have a Firestik that would work but the SWR on that thing just won't get down far enough.

So I am thinking, and swallowing my pride, about the coil type antennas like Predator 10K etc...

Can anyone recommend a good antenna that is center loaded so I can open my hood when needed, that has an overall assembly height of 4' or less that actually works well and will adjust for low, reasonably flat SWR?
Coils = loss.
Good audio, Quality coax, sturdy mounts, good springs, and a big stainless stick get you out and give you ears!
Mobile 1:President McKinley II FCC, Realistic 102" SS whip, President DigiMike
Mobile 2:Same as 1 but with a WIlson 1000.
Base: Realistic TRC-465 with Realistic noise cancelling power mic. antenna and setup in planning.
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Re: Parking garages, 4x4 vans, and antennas.


Post by Windwalker »

Firesticks have a bad reputation and for good reason if you ask me. They dont hear well and are hard to tune your swr.
For the amount of power you are running a center load antenna wont do that much harm to your signal. Maybe look for an antenna that has the mount sold seperate. That way you can raise your hood no problem.

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Handle: Mentor / Space City 3006
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Re: Parking garages, 4x4 vans, and antennas.


Post by Mentor3006 »

Planning on sticking with the fender channel mount. I am not running power per se as many do. No 16 pill here, mostly because I don't want to cook myself.

I really like the 102, but the way it whips around in driving is freaky, and parking garages are a pain. Yes Firestiks are a pain in the butt. I cannot get SWR on 1 and 40 below 1.5, on 20 I get 1.1, but 1 and 40 are really fidgety. Best I have managed is 1.5 on 1 and 1.6 or 1.7 on 40. Do NOT like those numbers.
Coils = loss.
Good audio, Quality coax, sturdy mounts, good springs, and a big stainless stick get you out and give you ears!
Mobile 1:President McKinley II FCC, Realistic 102" SS whip, President DigiMike
Mobile 2:Same as 1 but with a WIlson 1000.
Base: Realistic TRC-465 with Realistic noise cancelling power mic. antenna and setup in planning.
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Posts: 572
Joined: August 22nd, 2007, 9:51 am
Handle: Mentor / Space City 3006
Real Name: Dave
Antenna: Realistic stainless steel 102
Radio: President McKinley II FCC

Re: Parking garages, 4x4 vans, and antennas.


Post by Mentor3006 »

After some careful measuring assuming product descriptions are accurate I will be able to use a Wilson 2000 trucker After the 4 wheel drive conversion and clear the garage by about 2 inches. Hopefully the antenna will actually work nicely.
Coils = loss.
Good audio, Quality coax, sturdy mounts, good springs, and a big stainless stick get you out and give you ears!
Mobile 1:President McKinley II FCC, Realistic 102" SS whip, President DigiMike
Mobile 2:Same as 1 but with a WIlson 1000.
Base: Realistic TRC-465 with Realistic noise cancelling power mic. antenna and setup in planning.
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