Cherokee AH-27F help

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Cherokee AH-27F help


Post by Quack »

I was just digging through my BOB (Bug Out Bag) and went to test my Cherokee AH-27F hand held. The manual and both the DC car power supply and the AC wall wart were both gone. The AA case was there. I have no idea why. I have spent the last 3 hours on Google looking for the right parts and have had no luck except for plenty of good reviews of the unit. According to some sites that had specs, the DC was 7.2V to 13.8 V. I have no idea of the requirements of the AC charger. Can anyone help me with this really good but ancient CB?

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Re: Cherokee AH-27F help


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hello Quack,

Welcome to the forum.

I believe the battery holder is for 8 AA batteries, these can be 1.2V for the rechargeable and 1.5V for the regular throw away so the voltage can be 9.6V to 12V. I think the radio has a 12V port on the side, any regulated power supply will work with the right jack.


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