Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?

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Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?


Post by Remington160 »

Hello everyone This is for you old-timers and vintage cb collectors out there.
I recently bought a Hy gain Hy range V off the goodwill auction site. I like the Hy gain Hy range radios and have been wanting to add a five to the collection for sometime. This one ended up being like $30 with shipping which is not Bad.
So the radio arrived and I check it out it does transmit and Rx but Rx is a little low on SSB probably needs tune up or whatever also have added channels which is a plus. Haven't checked all but I know it has 38 37 plus uppers. So I decided to look up alignment/service info online. I'm doing some research on the rig and I see a picture of one and then it hit me I somehow had felt it all along but had failed to realize this is not a typical 23 channel Hy range five!
Before I go any further I want to say I am aware of the early flip switch version but this is not it. This rig is basically same as the B version with the meter and controls all in the same location but with Round pushbuttons, aluminum knobs and aluminum overlays on the faceplate.
Other strange things I should note: the words Hy range V on the faceplate are nothing but a cheesey sticker stuck over what feels like lettering molded with the faceplate I'm pretty sure it says either Hy gain or Hy range V hard to tell without removing the sticker.
The other odd thing is the only things identifying on the back of the radio is 1 the words Japan stamped in the chassis,
2 a sticker stating that this equipment is marketed under a waiver by the FCC on November 10 1976
And 3 a plain white paper sticker with a serial number typed on it.
There is no brand or manufacturer info or sub model number like the typical Hy gain.
I can not find a single picture of one like this anywhere online!
Edit: my photos are to large to upload to this site I will try to get pictures up as soon as I can!
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Re: Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?


Post by Remington160 »

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Re: Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?


Post by Remington160 »

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Re: Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?


Post by Trapper267 »

The radio you have is the Citizen M5, It's basically the same chassis as the 674B hygain 5, Cybernet 23 channel, xtal matrix.
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Re: Has anyone seen this odd version of the Hy range five?


Post by MDYoungblood »

Here is a pic of the "Citizen" model, the company 's actual brand name was JIL, a big audio manufacturer back in the day.

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