Autek Research WM-1 SWR/Power Computing Meter

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Handle: De_Wildfire
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Autek Research WM-1 SWR/Power Computing Meter


Post by De_Wildfire »

I am looking for an Autek Research WM-1 SWR/Power Computing Meter. I already have one and looking for another. It's very accurate and doesn't need to be set. I don't care for those cross needle meters. If anyone has one and can part with it, please contact me. Thanks
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Posts: 953
Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

Re: Autek Research WM-1 SWR/Power Computing Meter


Post by De_Wildfire »

I found it. It hit eBay fast and I snagged one up.
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