SWR adjustments

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SWR adjustments


Post by MDYoungblood »

Hey guys and gals,

I am curious to know what everyone is using these days to set the SWR (standing wave ratio) on your antennas?

I have used several different pieces of equipment, back in the day I had a "Dip Grid Meter" , Heathkit brand that I built along with a Heathkit Watt Meter. I later graduated up to a popular SWR/Watt meter. Over the years I got a MFJ model 259/269 antenna analyzer which was the "cats meow" then, borrowed not to long ago a couple different "RigExpert" analyzers but to me the cost was outrageous.

Now I am using a pair of NanoVNA's, one has SMA connectors, the other has SO-239's. I use two as sometimes one reads slightly different so I compare and equal out the readings. These to me are the most cost effective but do require a learning curve and you can save the information if hook up to a computer.

What are you using?


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Re: SWR adjustments


Post by 295 antenna »

I use 2 things, first is the SARK100 Antenna analyzer and when everything is put inline then the MFJ-870 peak reading swr/watt meter
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Re: SWR adjustments


Post by De_Wildfire »

I use an old MFJ-259 and and a couple Autek Research WM-1computing meters. I am thinking of upgrading to the Comet CAA-500.Which gives me the best of both worlds.
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