Proper height of Base Antenna

This forum provides help with antenna installation, as well as guidance on selecting the right antenna for your radio or mobile setup.
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Post by Phaze91460 »

The higher the better. Just be careful. I almost fell off my roof when setting mine the last time.
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Post by oknaz »

Heavy Duty

Just how tall is that electric pole ....i might have an idea
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Post by Guest »

the electric pole is 30'......and my mast is 30 also
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Post by oknaz »

You might try this I've seen cber's and ham guy's do this . (1) get another 30 ft of pipe and lay both pipes together on the ground about 2ft end for end . then use 2 1/2 inch U-bolt's and clamp those on about 6inch from end to end . then remount your antenna and stand that sucker up and use metal pipe hanger straps to the pole i'd use hardned bolts to hold the strap together behind the pole . then place guy wires out in 4 directions and there ya go . I've did this a few times and it's helped alot .
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