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Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 8:08 am
by Silver Wolf
I'll gladly try are we looking at lsb or usb ?

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 8:19 pm
by jessejamesdallas
Grinder74 wrote:I would think a freeband channel might be easier/quieter if you have the capabilities. I live in a hole in town so I get all kinds of receive but only have one contact out of state, on SSB, SW Ohio to New York.
Freeband is easier...I use to get on 26.915, and make contact with someone, then we would drop down a couple of channels and have the place to our self's... Then just to see if we could still hear each other, we would turn off the heat, and still could hear each other...Did that several times with a guy in Cali that went by Warlord....Also talked with 4040 in Cali barefoot...But only after first making contact with the Amp's on...These were also all mobile radio contacts, not Base set-up's...Base set-ups it's a little easier to shoot skip barefoot, not so easy mobile...antenna's just not big enough or high enough in the air...least not around here in the flat-lands.

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 7th, 2013, 9:50 pm
by OV309
Im actually surprised at how well I've gotten through on ch. 20 and 24. I know dumb channels but I hit it twice now.

Cobra 2000 antron. Barefoot. Thats all I got nothing else.

And a great sound report on my galaxy echo desk mic without even asking how well it sounded. So I kmow now where to have the settings on that.

young gun wrote:I say we start at skip channel for all the barefoot cb users out there say Chanel 22 as I've seen with all the other channels we always are getting seeped on and as I turn the dial ch 22 is always quiet so what yall say

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 5:59 pm
by Skipper 169
22lsb seems to be a busy channel for me here. Maybe it is all barefooters? I am willing to try this, but shouldn't there be a time and day, or maybe a certain hour every day that we can try. That way there is more chance that we would all remember, give it a better chance of making contact?

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 6:10 pm
by OV309
Skip is rolling for me on most channels right now

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 7:07 pm
by Big blue
Skipper 169 wrote:22lsb seems to be a busy channel for me here. Maybe it is all barefooters? I am willing to try this, but shouldn't there be a time and day, or maybe a certain hour every day that we can try. That way there is more chance that we would all remember, give it a better chance of making contact?
The folks you are communicating with here on CBRT forum could all fit on the head of a pin when compared to the vast number of operators out there. As Sly said, be patient and try to find a quiet frequency whenever/wherever you happen to be and it will happen while barefoot. Making ones' own rules just are not going to happen. Afterall, we have a sanctioning body (FCC) that oversees CB and very few follow their rules................. :aaargh:

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 6:41 am
by Skipper 169
Big blue wrote:The folks you are communicating with here on CBRT forum could all fit on the head of a pin when compared to the vast number of operators out there. As Sly said, be patient and try to find a quiet frequency whenever/wherever you happen to be and it will happen while barefoot. Making ones' own rules just are not going to happen. Afterall, we have a sanctioning body (FCC) that oversees CB and very few follow their rules................. :aaargh:
I know the chances are remote, unless we all know and use one channel, one time and possibly one day or every day at that time or channel. I mean, there is zero chance that I am going to glue my knob to channel 22lsb and hope to catch a like minded barefooter. :mrgreen:

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 3:57 pm
by jessejamesdallas
Skipper 169 wrote:22lsb seems to be a busy channel for me here. Maybe it is all barefooters? I am willing to try this, but shouldn't there be a time and day, or maybe a certain hour every day that we can try. That way there is more chance that we would all remember, give it a better chance of making contact?
Mother Nature doesn't work on a "Time Table" sorry.........

"IF" you want to try a certain channel to make barefoot contacts, the best way to do it would be when you hear people in DX on some of the busier channels like 26 and 28, then go to your quite channel and try...Maybe the Conditions will be good enough to get your name called...But trying to set-up a certain day and time to try will never work if the conditions aren't there...

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 6:36 am
by Skipper 169
I have no problem "getting my name called". The whole point of this thread is to get people that know about this thread and want to hear each other, to have the best chance of succeeding. With radios that can slide in between or use free channels, what are the chances of meeting up with someone else from this thread? Zilch. Even limited to 40 channels and the side bands and AM, the chances of hearing or being heard by the ten or twelve people here are astronomical unless you narrow it to a single channel and time when they can all meet or listen in. Narrow the chances even further by posting here and everyone will get a mail about it. I mean, I am already just listening and switching around and have yet to hear a single member, that I know of, let alone be able to talk to. :icon_e_wink:

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 8:26 am
by wi 544
best way to make contact with other members here is to use the shoutbox and let everyone know what freq you are on,, we have had many sat sun mornings and some evenings when dx is rollin good,, sometimes we have had several (5+) members on at once and all made contact with each other, pretty cool. that is really a nice feature of this site!

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 6:26 am
by peterwo2e
Have been tried many times on 11 meter thru the years never have work. Barefoot or qrp, low power what what ever you want to call it is an individual effort, there used to be an amateur radio QRP (5 watts or less) contest back in the days don’t know if still being done. How ever barefoot power have to be define my icom 7000 does 100 watts barefoot!! My rci 2990 does about 150 watts barefoot . cobra cb radio do 4 watts barefoot. Some guys might think that barefoot means just running the drivers and yes even if it get organized enough who is being honest? Qrp or low power has been an individual effort run by individuals to test their skill level. For all intended purposes QRP or barefoot power has always been define to 5 watts or less. Making an overseas contact with over 100 watts is common and easy making that same contact with 5 watts is an achievement .

Re: dedicated barefoot skip chanel

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 6:40 pm
by wulff
As an old time CB'er this would never work, there are just too many out there. When the skip was running great in the early 70's guys would talk on channel 9 if it got crowded. We also TRIED to keep channel 16 as a sideband only and that never worked, when 40 channels opened we tried to get everyone to agree the top 4 channels would be for sideband again there are those out here that won't ever agree.
There used to be a group in my area that on a certain day they would go horizontal and they could talk right over the vertical orientation stations (no mobiles in that group though, LOL!)