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Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 5:57 pm
by 420Snowman
I only use ctn600 on my cans! Ha

Sent from my HTC mobile.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 6:13 pm
by weatherman
I have not been able to find any. Where can I get some of that good string?

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 16th, 2011, 10:51 am
by 420Snowman
I have mine custom built at Agnus' quilt shoppe, and yes I mean shopPE! Lol

Sent from my HTC mobile.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 16th, 2011, 5:07 pm
by weatherman
I will have to give her a try next time I'm in town. Need to get down town and go to Charlie Gitto's and have some good pasta and salad.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 31st, 2011, 9:24 pm
by Don1962
At present I have
1- Cobra 2000 gtl
1- Emperior ts 5010
1- Galaxy dx 959
1- Radio Shack htx-10
1- Cobra 148 gtl (old style)
1- Uniden (do'nt remember mod#)
yelp, I think thats all of my collection for now, sure glade you did'nt ask what radios I've owned!!!!! hehehehe,,lolol.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: June 26th, 2011, 9:01 am
by Swamp Rat
Johnson Messenger 223 - 4
Messenger 2 Blackface - 5
Johnson 124 - 1
Johnson 124M - 1
Messenger 123a mobile - 1
Messenger 122-1
Viking 4740 SSB - 1
Viking 352D SSB - 1
Robyn SS747B SSB - 2
Robyn T123B - 1
Robyn SB520D - 1
Hygain 23 Plus - 1
Midland 13-888 - 1
Midland 77-830 - 1
Cobra 25 base - 1
Cobra 135 - 1
Cobra 135XLR - 1
Cobra 139XLR - 1
Siltronix 1011C - 1
Courier 1M - 1
Theres also 4 older crystal type scanners,2 of the Robyn 8 + 8''s ,1 Robyn 3 Bander , 1 Johnson DuoScan. As for mics, theres a Turner 454, a +2 , and 1 D-104 dated 1952.Johnson Transciever tester,Antenna Mate,Robyn meters. My landlady thinks I have enough to open my own shop, surely not. Im still collecting.Now I just need a good aluminum groundplane antenna

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 13th, 2011, 8:14 pm
by Moose26
4 CB
2 Marine

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 4:43 am
by Pace8193
Sporty Mike wrote:
William wrote:I currently have

2x Pace 8093 SSB's
2x GE 3-5825B's SSB
1x Royce 639
Those are beautiful radios in your Avatar pic William , what are they?

Hi, I'm new here, could you please send me a high resolution picture of your Pace8093?? I have a Pace 8193 and a few others, never really seen a 8093. Have a non working 8092. They must be extremely rare, it took me 9 years to find my 8193! I'm in Australia by the way. Would you sell one of your 8093??
Best regards from Melbourne
Richard VK3KVK

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 4:52 am
by Pace8193
William wrote:I currently have

2x Pace 8093 SSB's
2x GE 3-5825B's SSB
1x Royce 639
Hi William, could you please send me a high resolution pic of your Pace 8093? I have the 8193 Base and I have never seen a 8093 in real, they must be extremely rare. Took me 9 years to find my 8193. Have others too, 8092,8015,8155,8117 and some more. Would you sell me one??? I'm located in Australia.
Best regards from Melbourne
Richard VK3KVK

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 4:55 am
by Pace8193
Sporty Mike wrote:
William wrote:I currently have

2x Pace 8093 SSB's
2x GE 3-5825B's SSB
1x Royce 639
Those are beautiful radios in your Avatar pic William , what are they?

Sorry Mike, I replied to the wrong person;-))
Regards Richard

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 3:16 pm
I have:

President Lincoln (2)
President Madison 1st gen.
Cobra 25GTL
Høcom SuperSideBander 46
Realistic Navahoe 23C
Lafayette Dyna-Com 3d
Zodiac P2040FM
Zodiac Taurus SSB
Kenwood TS-440S/AT

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 3:25 pm
by wi 544
optima mk3
maxlog m-8800

2x kenwood tk840 gmrs

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 4:56 pm
by redlght
As of today i have
3 cobra 2000 gtl's
1 uniden president washignton
1 cobra 142 gtl
1 robyn t240d
1 president madison 858 chip
1 trc-458
1 president ar-144
1 cobra 25gtl
1 uniden pc122

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by zygoma
i fear I shall have to express the final answer in scientific notation.........after I get back from King Solomon's Counting Rooms......

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: July 27th, 2013, 7:53 pm
by uscgwagner
Lol some of you guys have a ton of radios... almost feel ashamed to post...

I have a cobra 148 gtl, and a uniden pro 520xl

5' fire stick, radio shack mag mount. Diy dipole..

Handful of walkie talkies...

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 4:25 am
by str8stroke
uscgwagner wrote:Lol some of you guys have a ton of radios... almost feel ashamed to post...

I have a cobra 148 gtl, and a uniden pro 520xl

5' fire stick, radio shack mag mount. Diy dipole..

Handful of walkie talkies...

Hey dont be ashamed!! We all started at some point! It is like anything else...takes time to grow! Looks like your off to a great start! Several radios, member on a forum, you're on you're way!!!

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 30th, 2013, 11:01 pm
by 1AFlapjack
41 radios all working to boot. My most recent acquisition is a UNIDEN GRANT XL from eBay. The seller from Texas listed it as parts only and I got it for $40 plus shipping. They claimed working status was "Unknown since they had no power cord."
It works and has an echo board built in. Radio checks usually ended with "That is a da** good sounding radio" or "Do you wanna sell it?'

Saturday, 31 August 2013, 0:15 AM

Thay does not include my ham band equipment either.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 31st, 2013, 4:52 am
by str8stroke
1AFlapjack wrote:41 radios all working to boot. My most recent acquisition is a UNIDEN GRANT XL from eBay. The seller from Texas listed it as parts only and I got it for $40 plus shipping. They claimed working status was "Unknown since they had no power cord."
It works and has an echo board built in. Radio checks usually ended with "That is a da** good sounding radio" or "Do you wanna sell it?'

Saturday, 31 August 2013, 0:15 AM

Thay does not include my ham band equipment either.

Great story about ebay. I too have sold stuff in a true Untested fashion to find out later that it worked perfectly once one small thing was fixed. The buyers are usually very thrilled. One thing I like to do is find out (if possible) if the seller truly knows nothing about what they are selling. Not that this is a true indicator if they are honest. But, Glad to hear it worked out for you.

Ex> I sold a mic on ebay a while back and I didn't have the time nor the adaptors to test it. I got it free & it sold cheap. Got a email a few days later thanking me profusely for selling it. Turns out a guy had been looking for one for years cause he had one when he was a kid. I apparently made his day! I told him that the old man who gave it to me claimed it worked back in the 70's when he last used it! lol But I still listed it as parts/unknown if it works.

Moral of the story, sometimes people really don't know if it works or not even if it looks like they should know better. Cause if you were to look me up, you would sure think I knew exactly what I was selling! lol

Sometimes it seems like we only hear about the negative experiences on Fleabay type purchases.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 31st, 2013, 6:55 am
by 1AFlapjack
I have other "SCORES" like that, I have been blessed. Like the laptop I use to fine tune the fuel injection on my motorcycle. I bought from eBay dirt cheap as for parts only. The charger they sent with it was dead. I used one of mine and it worked. The only problem I had on eBay is getting the person to ship when I get the item ultra cheap and they don't want to ship because they should have put a reserve on it.
Flapjack not "1AFlapjack"

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: August 31st, 2013, 7:57 am
by hank_612
4 grant xl
1grant lt
1 president grant 3 button
1 grant export
1 madison late
1 jackson
2 2000 gtl 1 tai 1 phil
1 200 gtl
2 148 philly
1 29
2 teaberry stalker xx export
1 teaberry stalker xx us
1 stalker vx (inbound)
3 2510 1chip
2 lincoln 1 chip
2 2600 1 chip
1 tram 201a
1 tram 201
1 royce 642
1 galaxy 99v
1 galaxy 959

Thursday, 05 September 2013, 20:52 PM

I need to add a grant classic philly and a silver jackson

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by silvereagle1
1 galaxy 99v2
1 uniden 980ssb

6 scanners

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 8:04 pm
by gunner57
Galaxy 95t2, Galaxy 929, Uniden PC76, Uniden PC78, Uniden Madison 4th gen, Uniden Grant XL, Uniden 510XL, Cobra 29 NW ST WX, Cobra 25 ST WX, Cobra 146 GTL, Cobra 138 XLR, Johnson Messenger 4320, Johnson Messenger 123A, and 4 old Midlands I don't feel like checking model numbers. I also have an old Kenwood 2M mobile and an Icom IC V8000.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: November 5th, 2013, 5:17 am
by Circuit Breaker
Not as many as I would like. I currently have:

Yaesu FT-950
Icom IC-2820 with D-Star capability
Icom ID-880
Yaesu FT-8100
Kenwood TM-3530 (220 MHz)
Kenwood TR-751A (all mode 2M)
Icom ID 92A handheld
2 Uniden HR-2510s
Cobra 138XLR

IF I ever get a better paying job, I want to find a Uniden Madison to use for the base. My FT-950 is NOT modified for out of band use even though I'd like to. The problem is - my eyesight isn't quite as good as it was 20 years ago and getting a solder bridge over the two pads that enable the function isn't as easy as it used to be. The area is very tight and the pads don't like a lot of heat. I got into D-Star when we lived in Tampa - there are numerous repeaters for it down there. When we moved here to Colorado Springs, the only repeater was in Denver and I couldn't reach it from our location. Since then, I've helped the Cheyenne Mountain Repeater Group (I'm now vice chairman) put three D-Star repeaters on the air. Two on Cheyenne Mtn (70 cm and 2M) and one on Raton Pass down on the CO/NM state line that I can actually hit from our house 150 miles away - but only because we live on a hill and I have an almost line of sight shot to the repeater.

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: November 5th, 2013, 3:26 pm
by Foliant
Including HAM-Gear i would say round about...15

In major use are:
  • AE5890EU (legal paramaters in Germany: 4W AM, 4W FM, 12W SSB - can be switched to ~30-40W PEP)
  • KPO DX5000 (Such AT5555 maybe one of the popular Export-Radios in Europe?)
  • FT757GXII (which i mostly use for SWL)
  • and in my Car, to show i am a "do-gooder", i use a cheap Team MX8 (ok, ok, and a BJ300 ;) )

Re: How many radios do you own?? lol

Posted: May 21st, 2015, 11:32 am
by cbfreq
I have more than 200 CB radios most of them are 858, 8719, o2a PLL I will make a list later. my wife says I should measure them by cubic feet. I have 10 k40 microphone, and probably 10 cubic feet of other accessories.