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Busy day but not without multiple benefits

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 17:31
by CrazyShellsSlam
So I had a busy day with my job. I work for the State Department of Transportation as a temporary construction inspector. Summer job but crazy good money, second summer doing it. Anyhow I had to do alot of traveling, so why not do it while on the radio. Met some good people on the air today. Mostly truckers, one guy who spotted me lol cuz of my "tiny Corolla with the antenna shooting out of the roof" as he called it. And you know what it may seem a lil weird, but it gives a nice touch since we were practically rolling side by side and just chit chattin til he hit his exit. One of the nicest truckers Ive spoken to.

Also as I continue to talk more and more on the air during my commute to work and home(guna be doin it during my commute to school too) Im starting to pick back up on the CB lingo alot better than I was. I just think what will take me the longest is remembering the 10-codes. Its really interesting interacting with all these people via CB whether it be big truckers or 4 wheelers like me. Being that I am also currently studying Sociology it makes things twice as interesting for me.

Also just to note the major artery that trucks ride on on Long Island in case u didn't know is I-495 a.k.a the Long Island Expressway. Also what I would usually take to get to school, and what I recently started taking to work as an alternate route being that theres alot of radio chatter:).

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 17:40
by Slim Jim
That's great, dude! CB's are the most overlooked device of anonymous communication out there. Everyone nowadays thinks e-mail and chat rooms started it all, but they're dead wrong! It was CB! It really is a useful tool to reach out and meet folks from all walks of life with. It's nice to be able to meet nice folks and have a little chat to pass the time along. That's one of the main aspects of the hobby. Have fun and keep talkin'. 8)

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 17:56
by CrazyShellsSlam
Yeah they are. it really does pass the time along nicely. Also I find it a little more personal. Because of the fact that no emotion can be conveyed via a text based chat, but with a CB its the complete opposite. The tone of the voice, and the volume and what not give it a more personal touch because you can tell if theres sarcasm, anger, joy, etc in the person's voice that you are speaking with. It really does add a more personal touch to things and thats why I am also going to use it when school starts, Im going to use it during the commute to and from school. So glad I got back into this hobby :)

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 18:22
by Pro-Tech
Well if you come across Alan Jackson, or the Extreme Home Makeover buses these people feel the same way. Never heard of Alan Jacskson before and his driver couldn't take the factory antenna system from the factory so they came in for a Skip Shooter install. They are in a brand new 1.2 million dollar RV and it comes with the little cheap rubber duck antenna. Now they have the distance to stay with the conversations. Same way with the RV you see on the home make over show were they yell "driver move that bus" at the end of the show. After five years of dealing with the antenna that came on it and being limited how far they could listen and talk. All the celebrities we service have recently started upgrading to keep up with the Jones's. Usually in the past after the driver dropped off the star in Memphis they will come over and just get simple repairs like a mic rewire. Now a days celebrities love making contacts with other stars on the RV CB in the venue parking lots in Memphis.

The Alan Jackson crew was cool and shocked when I told them I have never heard of them. But I still got an autographed picture. And I reminded them that this place is "Holy Ground" for Rock and Blues. Nashville is two hundred miles east of here. I think I gave them a new subject to talk about on their way there with a lot better antenna system.
With millions of dollars of state of the art gadgets on these RV's they are just now starting to rediscover the joys of meeting people on the CB while traveling around the country. 8)

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 18:40
by CrazyShellsSlam
Alan Jackson as in the country singer?

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 18:46
by Pro-Tech
Yea, he sings country. That's why I never heard of him. He even had a huge welcome matt in front of the door with his name in big red letters. It was very nice inside too.

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 19:06
by Shakedown101
Lockdown Communications did 2 installs for the Chrome Shop Mafia ....wooo hooo

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 19:22
by Pro-Tech
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Here are some pictures of the Extreme Home Makeover show bus.

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 19:25
by CrazyShellsSlam
Party Bus!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 19:26
by Slim Jim
Don't leave us hangin', dude. We want to see some "after" photos!

Posted: Aug 20 2008, 20:48
by Pro-Tech
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Posted: Aug 21 2008, 08:51
by Pro-Tech
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Posted: Aug 21 2008, 09:51
by Punkin Head
Hey ProTech that looks like a Prevost built by Wonderlodge. Those are built in my hometown of Fort Valley, GA at the Blue Bird/Wonderlodge Bus plant. I have friends that work for them. They make some NICE RV's and super expensive. Those are way out of my league.