Alien Voices........

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Alien Voices........



I have a good question (I think so anyway), a friend of mine just got a new radio (148GTL). When we were traveling together he wanted to know if i could here him if he was on upper or lower side band and I was still on am. I said "I dunno, try it" so he did and i could here him key up but it sounded like he was from another planet all garbled up. Then I keyed up (G.Lee) and he said I was so loud it sounded like I was talking into a bullhorn. couldn't understand me though, another guy keyed up on a cobra 29 and my friend on lower side band could here him no problems. Why is that? I thought that we wouldn't be able to here each other at all. we were on the same channel number he just flipped the LSB switch. is the freq. the same? Thanx
))>SUPERBIRD<(( ~696~
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Re: Alien Voices........


Post by Red Warrior »

The frequency is the same for AM and SSB. If both radios are very close to each other the high signal level will plow it's way through the detector. If you are going to test something like this make sure you are a mile or so away from each other.
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Re: Alien Voices........


Post by Circuit Breaker »

))>SUPERBIRD<(( wrote:I have a good question (I think so anyway), a friend of mine just got a new radio (148GTL). When we were traveling together he wanted to know if i could hear him if he was on upper or lower side band and I was still on AM. I said "I dunno, try it" so he did and I could hear him key up but it sounded like he was from another planet all garbled up.
You were both on the same frequency/channel so of course you'll hear each other. However, since he was on sideband, there was no AM carrier involved in his transmission so your radio couldn't demodulate it. He could hear you and the station on the 29 because AM has three components: Carrier, Lower Sideband and Upper Sideband. Since he was on sideband and part of an AM signal incorporates two sidebands, he could hear both of.
))>SUPERBIRD<(( wrote:Then I keyed up (G.Lee) and he said I was so loud it sounded like I was talking into a bullhorn. couldn't understand me though, another guy keyed up on a cobra 29 and my friend on lower side band could hear him no problems. Why is that? I thought that we wouldn't be able to hear each other at all. we were on the same channel number he just flipped the LSB switch. is the freq. the same? Thanx
He could probably understand the person on a 29 because that person wasn't as close and wasn't overloading his receiver. His receive frequency would also have to be exactly the same as the TX frequency of your radio or the 29...otherwise you'll hear a tone called a hetrodyne. And, yes, the frequency is the same. LSB, AM, USB and FM are only modes of transmission. In all cases, the frequency or channel remains the same.
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Re: Alien Voices........


Post by Night Crawler »

))>SUPERBIRD<(( wrote: another guy keyed up on a cobra 29 and my friend on lower side band could here him no problems. Why is that?
Your friend just happened to be zero beated to the guy on the cobra 29s frequency.
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Re: Alien Voices........



Ok. Thanx, I was just curious.
))>SUPERBIRD<(( ~696~
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