Auto SSB Delay on an Amp

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Auto SSB Delay on an Amp


Post by Pontiac787 »

I was wondering if there are any pros/cons to an amp that has an auto SSB delay vs. one that has a switchable delay. Any insight would be appricated.
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Re: Auto SSB Delay on an Amp


Post by linx »

Usually amps with a SSB biased switch or auto switch are class AB and rated at lower wattage, but cleaner wattage, than a class C amp. However, you can easily add a SPST switch to to a class C and make it has a SSB biasing switch. Other than that, there is really no advantage or disadvantage to having it.

If you're looking to buy something "factory made" then I would reconsider my buying decision and recommend looking into some of the better competition-stype brands. Check out World Wide Amps and Amateur Linear Amps for some great deals on amplifiers. There's nothing wrong with something like a Texas Star, but I say buy it once, and be done with it.
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