Unlock Clarifier Realistic TRC-465

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Unlock Clarifier Realistic TRC-465


Post by jam37620 »

I picked up a Realistic TRC-465 complete with mic, mounting bracket, power cord and a gutter mount antenna for $15. Anyone know if there is a mod to unlock the clarifier? I'm looking to give it to my nephew who has expressed an interest. If he stays with it, we'll upgrade him later.

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Night Crawler
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Re: Unlock Clarifier Realistic TRC-465


Post by Night Crawler »

jam37620 wrote:I picked up a Realistic TRC-465. Anyone know if there is a mod to unlock the clarifier?
Remove D25

I don't know the colors of the wires so you will have to trace them down.

On Clarifier Pot there are three wires center wiper and one on either side.
The two wires that you will have to trace are the ones on either side of the center wiper.

One wire is grounded through a 2.2k resistor do not remove that wire you want the wire on the other side of the pot that supplies the voltage to the varactor diode.

After you find the correct wire clip or unsolder it from the board move it to pin 1 of IC4 the 8 volt regulator.

If you want more clarifier range change R118 from a 10k to a 4.7k
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Super Mud-Duck
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Re: Unlock Clarifier Realistic TRC-465


Post by jam37620 »

Night Crawler,
Thanks a bunch, sounds like a simple mod. Maybe won't cost me too much to have it done. I've heard some great things about Sparky, maybe I could get him to do it for me. I think the clarifier needs to be unlocked on a SSB unit, unless it's something like a 2950 or 2970 or such. This would be something to get my nephew started with. He's more interested in SSB than AM.

Have a great day!
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