The truck/the amp/and the trip
The truck/the amp/and the trip
I keyed up and locked down my computer in my truck we are not stranded Thank God but delayed for sure.
good to see it aint got u **Censored**. i have been sitten here laughen my butt off about it...i can just see it now working cowboy keys up and more smoke is blowing out from under the hood of the truck then out of the antenna. i can just picture all them lights lighted up it was like a christmas tree and u just sitten there with the mic in your hand more mad about not being able to talk on the radio than your truck blowing up and almost haven air bags deployed.
Phaze,Phaze91460 wrote:Oh hell, is it fixed ? I dont want to kill mine, my amp just arrived ! What did they say happened ?
Sorry to raise the tension, but after remembering that your truck resembles the first five aisles in Circuit City, I would be scared. RF / magnetic energy crossing a conductor, or coil is very similar to what makes a generator or transformer work. Bad voltage and current may be generated where you don't want it.
Maybe you've already found the reason why, but is there a chance you should lose the surround sound speaker system with the amp? I am wondering if all that wiring is catching RF and sending bad voltage back into the electrical system?
Is your antenna mounted so that it is firing into cab?
I'm not a professional "RF failure troubleshooter", but I do know a few things about it.
Hopefully the guys that have done similar systems can help.