2 meter & Wilson 1000

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2 meter & Wilson 1000


Post by trip6ram »

I just installed a Pace Communicator II in my truck and hooked it up to my Uniden's Wilson 1000 mag-mount. Very good RX when the repeaters are going (don't know about TX as I'm not licensed yet). My question is, will running the Wilson as set up for the PC 78LTW as opposed to trimming it for 2m cause any damage to the transceiver or the antenna? I haven't been using it a whole lot, so I'm hoping it'll be fine.
373 in the SouthEast Key----Flourtown to Mount Pocono
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Punkin Head

Re: 2 meter & Wilson 1000


Post by Punkin Head »

Using the Wilson 1000 will be fine for LISTENING ONLY. Do not try to transmit with this setup as you described. Reason is the SWR will be way off and will cause damage to the radio in the end, just like talking on a CB with a high SWR. But anything will work for listening.

When you get your license you can get a 2m antenna fairly cheap and will work better than trying to get an 11m antenna to tune properly.

Hope that helps
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