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Posted: Jul 02 2006, 08:35
by 231
Well, a few of you know that it's been very hectic around my household for months now. Primarily we've been trying to sell our house to get a single level to help take care of my Mom who has a hard time with stairs. We found a place perfect for all the criteria, made an offer, came to an agreement and were beginning the normal processes of buying/selling of the homes. Then we had the place inspected. Found tons of things (many major cost items) needing repair/replacement. The current owner (in essence) wanted us to pay for the repairs...effectively allowing him to live there for the past couple years without cost. Man, talk about a cheap skate! :roll: Needless to say, I'm not into that so we backed out of the deal.

So the search continues. FYI: Part of the criteria was/is to find a place that I can finally put up a tower and get a beam back up in the air. The place had some elevation (almost at the top of a hill) and an awesome view. I had intended on installing a crank over tower and either a Signal Engineering Lightning 6 or 8 element quad around 60' to the boom. I still have plans for that dream, but finding affordable hilltop property out here tends to be short in the pickins'. :-?

So I'm still here...just not posting as much as I'd like to. I visit many times per day though (if time permits). You guys won't get rid of me that easy. :lol:

Posted: Jul 02 2006, 09:13
by BigBopper
Man I under stand, did the same about 3 years ago,,,moved to a rance style house, man its a pain to move and fix the old house up,,,but I was lucky sold the old one in a week after it was on the market,,,,20 years in 1 home, man I collected alot of crap!!!