Sparky's Cb Shop

Place any good comments or company referrals here to sponsors or with individuals on the forum selling used equipment.
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Sparky's Cb Shop


Post by MuddSkiper »

Wanted to say thanks to the employees at Sparky's shop for a great radio.Friday night i ordered a Uniden pc78 Elite along with a Wilson 1000 mag mount.They processed the order Monday and i had the radio Thursday around 4pm. It is my first CB ,other then a hand held midland, and i am very happy with their service.I have already recommended them to some family and i defiantly will to any cb'ers or friends. At times with the dsc off and squelch turned open to allow everything the radio would be silent.I am a noob to the CB world but I've done my fare share of reading.When i "dead-key" my mic on channel 19 the meter goes up into the red.Its over 9 but i cant tell for sure.Swr hardly moves when say 1.3 swr for 19.the lower channels are higher but under 2.I ended up moving my tomtom to the window and using velcro to hold the radio on top of the dash,center mounted.I'm use to taking time to remove my radar detector and tomtom when I'm not home,so taking my radio down isn't to much of a hassle.I bought a k40 3-pin cigarette adapter ,the factory cord was to short to run to either fuse box or battery and i wasn't feeling up to splicing any wires. So far its working just fine from the lighter socket.I used my passport x50 set to show voltage while running and its is 13.7 with the heater blowing. :biggrin:
.:Escort Passport 8500 x50 m4 6.5:.
-- X band off ,Pop off, Tsr off --

|Uniden PC78 ELITE w/ Wilson 1000 mag mount|
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Re: Sparky's Cb Shop


Post by Sporty Mike »

Yea, Sparky's is top shelf, only online shop I deal with. :biggrin:

Redbeard 759 , your non profit Prophet from the 'Bam!!!
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Re: Sparky's Cb Shop


Post by Joker-Dave »

I recently placed an online order with Sparky's. I like the new site and they are still working on it but it is working great. I was happy that the transaction went smoothly in the middle of the site upgrade and I received the items much faster than expected. I actually just opened the package today and I was pleasantly surprised that they threw in a little something extra as a free gift.
Thanks Sparky's and keep up the good work! :joker:
Dave, AKA Joker, AKA JeeperCreeper on" onclick=";return false; AKA Scared on other forums and Xbox 360 sittin back, relaxin and listenin
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Re: Sparky's Cb Shop


Post by goofy »


Does anybody know if you buy a texas star from them, will they do the conversion? I'm a licensed ham, if that matters...
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